
The 1600 clue bugged me because Margo Martindale won for Supporting Actress, but Jeremy Davies actually won for Guest Actor in a drama series. Supporting Actor and Guest Actor are technically two different categories. But then again, maybe I should quit my complaining and just be happy Jeopardy gave Justified some

I missed last night due to massive storms in my area so I missed her proposal story. However I do know from the two times I've auditioned that on your paperwork they ask for five "fun facts" about yourself and one of the things they suggest is proposal stories. That's probably why there seems to be so many of them.

Thanks for always doing these recaps, Jay! I look forward to reading them , especially if I miss an episode as I did last night because I was hunkered down in the basement as tornado sirens were going off all around. You rock!

"Both my Grandmas look like Edward James Olmos". Ha Ha.

We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off- Jermaine Stewart