sun shines every day

So the vampires want to subjugate humanity via an engineered super-virus with the only cure controlled by them, but Hatake had a different plan that he is pursuing counter to the vampire council. Hatake wants to convert key people into vampires starting with Julia who he is related to somehow, probably his daughter.

Anyone else see this as a pro-spanking piece for the corporal punishment vs anti-corporal punishment debate

Alicia learned that buying the ring leader only hides the problem. However, the partners don't know about Carey making a new firm so they aren't equipped to learn the same lesson

@avclub-7e0ff37942c2de60cbcbd27041196ce3:disqus Not necessarily. There is a lot of muscle and bone mass in the leg. The femoral artery runs along the inner thigh.

to be fair there is a big difference between shooting someone in the front of their quadricep and stabbing someone in their inner thigh