
No, not the same. That Walking Dead C+ is from Zack Handlen.

The grade at the top is from whoever leads the review that week.

What is it with this site's obsession about grades, both in film and tv section…

Thanks. I may be too hard on Elementary's cases of the week, but I have just come off finishing The Good Wife and that procedure manages to make every case of the week interesting, full of details, or at the very least fun (with some hiccups in season 4). I can't help but feel Elementary should have an easier job

I loved the best episodes of Elementary more than those of Sherlock ("M.", "Details", especially), but I still prefer Sherlock over it as a whole. I dunno, Elementary's cases of the week when not involved with the mythology are too forgettable 90% of the time. Sherlock just feels more fun, even if the lower running

How is it yellowface? Do they make the eyes slantier or paint their skin? They dress up in Asian clothes and make different hair. Ted put on a fake moustache to look like a teacher, but all the humor is aimed at the Ted's character himself.

The above are not just disagreeing; definitely putting her down. (To be fair, not as much as past episodes

"As much as I should just laugh at this grade, I'm bordering on pissed at it." " I laughed more at grade of this episode than I did at the actual episode."

I don't know how you stand it, Donna. If it was me who was being constantly condescended to and got "Nope, you're always WRONG" about my own opinions, I would skip reading the comments two seasons ago. I myself thought you might be a tad too kind to the show when it was being very broad in the first half of last

This reminds me of a time where I, as a Thai, had to go in defense of The Impossible here on charge of not giving care to any Asian at the disaster. So I'll try here as well:

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus  Actually there is a Thai tsunami movie out in 2009, but it's supposedly very awful and reeks of exploitation than this movie (fictional story about a 2022 Tsunami, haha), and it bombed so bad that the director, who was kind of rich and used his own savings to fund the

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus  Actually there is a Thai tsunami movie out in 2009, but it's supposedly very awful and reeks of exploitation than this movie (fictional story about a 2022 Tsunami, haha), and it bombed so bad that the director, who was kind of rich and used his own savings to fund the

Fair enough.  Seeing how much vitrol towards this movie's agenda here, I just want to voice opinions of mine and other from the country that the movie happened to.   The majority of the people here found the movie very sincere, and the relatively minimal Thai people in the movie results from the unwavering focus on

Fair enough.  Seeing how much vitrol towards this movie's agenda here, I just want to voice opinions of mine and other from the country that the movie happened to.   The majority of the people here found the movie very sincere, and the relatively minimal Thai people in the movie results from the unwavering focus on

I'm Thai and I've seen the movie.  Without the help of the Thai people, one member of the family would have been dead.  It's a rough kind of help, but it's born out of the necessity of not having many available tools after the disaster.  The "obstacles" stem from language differences, but it's not the main obstacles

I'm Thai and I've seen the movie.  Without the help of the Thai people, one member of the family would have been dead.  It's a rough kind of help, but it's born out of the necessity of not having many available tools after the disaster.  The "obstacles" stem from language differences, but it's not the main obstacles

I'm Thai, and in movie message boards here, when some made comments about why it isn't Thai people (just a few groups, since most are more impressed at how accurately the film detailed the events and the chaotic aftermath), they are mostly squatted down as being too nationalist, since most, me included, thought that

I'm Thai, and in movie message boards here, when some made comments about why it isn't Thai people (just a few groups, since most are more impressed at how accurately the film detailed the events and the chaotic aftermath), they are mostly squatted down as being too nationalist, since most, me included, thought that

The director was in the same nation as the family that it happenned to and wanted to tell this particular story, and the mother in real life is credited directly for the story, so it's sticking closely to the facts and not be "white people" for the sake of it.

The director was in the same nation as the family that it happenned to and wanted to tell this particular story, and the mother in real life is credited directly for the story, so it's sticking closely to the facts and not be "white people" for the sake of it.