Happy birthday, SBT! Your presence here is anything but boring. I have to echo what Cat said; you class the joint up and provide a model of coolness and intellect and whatnot for us rapscallions! Have a deanlightful day!
Happy birthday, SBT! Your presence here is anything but boring. I have to echo what Cat said; you class the joint up and provide a model of coolness and intellect and whatnot for us rapscallions! Have a deanlightful day!
Please, Todd. We still have squatters' rights.
Call me uncultured too. I've heard the expression many times before, of course, but never seen it in print and had no idea how it would be spelled.
Do you get to wear shoes?
I think it's for a role. I think it's purdy. I prefer her as blonde, but you know…it's Gillian Jacobs.
Oh shit.
OH MY GOD, I just remembered I had a Community dream out of the blue last night. too. Jeff and the Dean made out. It was…um… it was… .
Iiick. That's the worst.
Oh, the reason I know this is because I've written many a Jesus/Judas songfic under the handle xxxbEtRaYeDwItHaKiSsxxx since 2002. Check 'em out!
I've known this for years, because that's how cool I am.
It needs to be at least…THREE TIMES BIGGER to pose any threat to DEP.
@avclub-de9b2c02683eda6f873cba299e2712f5:disqus Right, because our response to people and fictional renderings of them is rarely deeper than our response to colors.
And me!
I'm voting for hasn't actually read them. If he had, he might have noticed that they lack any resemblance to the scenario he's depicted, and also that people try to, you know, qualify their opinions, something that is conspicuously missing from his post.
Let me get this straight. The overwhelmingly not-as-enthused to outright negative reception this show is receiving on this site is a collective mass hysteria and you're the only right-thinking one. What's that saying? "If you meet one asshole, then he's an asshole; if everyone you meet is an asshole, then you're the…
I was jealous of Quirky's and SBT's cool accents so yesterday I recorded Jeff's Paradigms speech in my true voice the thickest Minnesota accent I could muster.