
I rewatched it. It's been said before, but I don't think I can sleep until I register, somewhere, that my brain thought things about this episode.

That's part of the conspiracy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….of my keyboard and browser against me to highlight only part of the url and make me paste it without doing my due diligence and making sure my code was good and

Remember when AMC showed American classic movies?

That, too, is a distinct possibility.

Shovel possibly compacted snow for like a million hours or shovel in many annoying more manageable iterations? Whatever is less liable to give you a heart attack, I guess.

Actually, we archived the first one!

Actually, Jeff is like the New Coke. It'll be around forever!

Is "anxiety" a concept?

Oooh, LOL+! The Gentleman's "Fuck the Fuck Off, Show."

So is he like our weird brother-in-law who's been "taking some time off" for the last five years, only popping in to say that things are still "beyond amazing" in Patagonia?

Yeah, I'm with you on the "fully functional" part. However that manifests for Abed.

Even if I hadn't liked the episode, I'm not sure I could stand by this statement considering the longer-putrefying reanimated corpses of The Simpsons and The Office, for a couple examples.

Boy, is @avclub-5dd5319234a1cfb6f9f18e002c043c69:disqus 's face gonna be red when he realizes!

His rationalization process might seem broken (retreating ever deeper into, pop-culture laden arenas of his mind), but he is the one who pulls himself out of it and is the one to deliver the mollifying speech.


Whenever I'm not sure how I feel about something, I will be using you as a proxy.

What you fanboy mcwankertons don't seem to realize is it's never been a good show.

Hooo, boy. Them's fightin' words.