
Hey, guys

Yeah, the world still isn't going to watch this one way or another.

We'll always have Contemporary Impressionists, though.

Hi, agreea-funny-finder.


Where are all these shows with the erotic asphyxiation? I'm asking for a friend.

Gillian and I will manage fine, I think.

Direct links:

What the fuck? I really liked that. That was weird.

Hay una silla.

I'm sitting in my car with a veritable mountain of dirty laundry while I am parked at my old college campus waiting for Kinko's to finish printing a grand total of six pictures for me that they said would be ready today but then tried to bullshit me into saying wouldn't be ready until seven tomorrow morning and

I don't even wanna go over there. I took a gander, but I'm just so much more comfortable here. I don't even have to wear pants.

Also, I hope everyone thinks your name is Darren now. It…is.

It looks like I'm one of your agreeabuddy, but you aren't mine (or at least at the top of the list). I think maybe I'm an agreeaslut?

Don't be silly. By now you know that Snowsephine is my given name.