
Also, no, it doesn't feel like RHM or Mixology or any other episode. That's why it's so damn special! That's why it's this high!



This is probably old news for a lot of you, but I just found out Michele Bachmann used to be Gretchen Carlson's nanny. The circle of life…

18. RHM
16. IDF
9. Conspiracy Theories
8. Redux

This is wise. I made the mistake of commenting on something of his the other day after having previously decided I would never try to engage him in anything. It's a good way to go nowhere fast.

Actually, I can easily see where people come up with "rediculous." The first syllable is unstressed, and we have a tendency to just turn unstressed vowels into schwas in English. Schwas have been orthographically denoted by every vowel, so if spelling's not your suit it might make just as much sense to spell it with

Yeah, that was annoying. Ellison flattered him enough to refer to him as a student of religion, but if Maher were really that serious about it I'd think he'd do more than rely to secondhand accounts of a holy text and to have done something resembling scholarship, considering so much of his impetus seems to be

Of course, this hasn't caused me to become in favor of these things myself any more than breaking bad has turned me into a meth advocate.

Hey, soap has no earthly business in a broiler. Maybe lowly cook  is too good a position for her!

Wait, how'd he treat Keith Ellison?

I figured he just couldn't remember if it was Rod or Todd. Because — confession time — I couldn't remember, either.

It looks like chili deconstructed in a fancy restaurant. Or served as one of many, many plates, hence no big heaping bowl. I think this wouldn't look nearly so bad if it had actually been photographed nicely (no blinding clinical lighting) and the image quality were higher.

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus Now, just come up with about a thousand more examples and you'll have proved your point.Just a few more hundred examples and you guys will have roundly proved me wrong! Keep at it!

Hey, how about we not denigrate an entire group of people based on the actions of a few? Or is that fucking batshit crazy?

It seemed to me the show was pretty deliberate in showing the central upper crust family as paternalistic and compassionate. You could see it as a romanticized view of that old system and flattering to a certain conservative point of view, but quite early on it was interested in showing the inherent limitations and

I vote for magic. Also, man, that cat lost almost half its body weight making its way home. Poor thing.

Cool. To Lake Superior we go.

I'm back inside now, so no.