I'm making cinnamon rolls, but they're not vegan.
I have some vegetable soup left over. And homemade bread. I'm a little old lady who bakes now.
I'm making cinnamon rolls, but they're not vegan.
I have some vegetable soup left over. And homemade bread. I'm a little old lady who bakes now.
The AV Club's lights suddenly flickered back on…TO REVEAL A BODY LYING FACE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM :O
You could have kept that to yourself.
Ha, I was just going to whine myself and ask if I was the only one God decided to torture.
Huzzah. I shall be there Sunday.
(Obviously Jessica Chastain herself is a good choice, too.)
Excellent choice, Jessica Chastain.
Aw man, we're the best!
Oberg (Öberg) looks super Scandinavian to me.
It would unfairly punish those of us who are on responsible killing sprees, e.g. those of us ordained by God.
I hope he can do more stuff where he's not just the chubby agile guy. I thought he was really good in Bernie.
His masterful turn as Scott Peterson proves he is equal to the task of playing all manner of human monsters on the feel-bad rainbow.
In that crowd, you don't want to be the asshole who's just like LINKSYS123. There's only three other networks on my list and one of them is a router name. The others are Tall Penguin and Devil Fuel.
I was on the Criterion site last night (little ole me, who owns not a single one), and was flabbergasted to see Armageddon was there. My first thought was, I WONDER WHAT NARRATOR THINKS OF THIS….
Nah, it's great when others join in because we're always looking for fresh blood. Not literally. Not in an Elizabeth Báthory way at all. Nope.
@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus What if the chicken's already in the salad?
So you were a…turn(upyournoseat)coat(s)? Hell, you know me, I didn't need coats. I had blankets.
WHOA. What kind of history? The last time I was aware of them doing non-ancient alien history, they were big on Jesus/Knights Templar (thanks to Dan Brown) or on Nostradamus (thanks to wackadoos who like to send forwards about how 9/11 was prophesied). And in the long, long ago before that, it was all World War II.
I like how one of the fundamentals this guy lists about himself, right after his Judaism and his Libertarianism, is that he doesn't watch TV. How often do people choose to define themselves by something they don't do?