
Yeah — I have to say, @avclub-67ac9b8011152bc8ac076d2d3624df7f:disqus , your comment rubbed me the wrong way. I understand the impetus behind using person-first language like that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say I don't think Noel Murray has lost his son's humanity in the shuffle.

My biggest VSA gripe is the ending when Abed's like, but now I have this new tool called "empathy." (PARAPHRASING.) Dude, didn't you know what that was before? I thought you had empathy falling out of your butt, too. (See: the way he gets Jeff in Home Ec and CAP. The way he gets Shirley in MM. Many other instances,

I think her spin on their relationship in Horror Fiction is the clearest indication of her feelings — that her stake in it has as much, if not more, to do with her and her ability to "save" someone. Could the show have run with this more, sure. It's not a thing that I necessarily anticipated, but one I feel still

Isn't it an issue of preference as opposed to black-and-white correct/incorrect? Many people self-identify as autistic — are they wrong?

If I were remaking this list today, I might knock VSA back into the upper teens/lower twenties of my list. FWIW it's one of the episodes I grappled most over — clearly I'm still having issues — but even if it were farther up the list, it would still be the highest-ranking episode that I have a big reservation about.

Yeah, he's one of the ones whose mortality status I can never remember.

No, people rag on him because he acts like a complete asshole. As a conservative, you do yourself a real disservice by failing to attribute the real source to his shunning.

No, people rag on him because he acts like a complete asshole. As a conservative, you do yourself a real disservice by failing to attribute the real source to his shunning.

Well, goddamn, if only you'd let the hundreds of people who've commented know that ahead of time. Edit: Also, I'm guessing that the qualification "because I'm not interested in it" is implied in your last statement.

Verbing is a fucking time-honored practice of creating new words, asshole.

"My obsession with slightly non-mainstream hobbies and unwillingness to confront my own social awkwardness means I deserve the same fucking respect as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Patton Oswalt or Dan Harmon."

You know this isn't meant to be breaking news, right? It was a discussion of the specificities, evolution of, and a personal reaction to the portrayal of particular group in pop culture. Is that not worth talking about?

That's great news! Glad to hear it.

Maybe he's just land on a pile of garbage. And to think, those idiot environmentalists were protesting that landfill.

Unless he's into that kind of thing.

Creepy. Sweet. The most logical way to combine those two is screwypeet.

Happy birthday, Barnito!

Love you, mean. It!

Kanske "överhung'? Hey look at me, makin shit up. And hey, "överhung" would be some good synergy with your username.