
Wow. I'm going to drink this soon.

My test tastes revealed it to be rather palatable in this state, too.

Hey everyone! Do you love the way whiskey courses through your blood like a cleansing thunderstorm, yet mourn the fact that too many whiskey drinks lack that slick veneer of butter that wraps your heart in a warm, nutty embrace? How do you rectify the situation? I can tell you. A lot of people say to me, wow, Snow,

In a very real way, we won. But in a less real way, we didn't. But in another way, I won — an individual prize. In that round, each team that got a particular question (out of many) right was awarded a gift certificate for like a breakfast or something. My friends said I could have it because I was the one who gave

I did a trivia night at a bar a few months ago and my team's name was The Anarchist Cat Owners, and every time they read the teams' scores after each round the guy pronounced our name as "Antichrist Cat Owners."

Yes, I was wondering about this too. My choices seemed quite close for a while there, but they're starting to deviate more in these last few batches.

Too late. No matter how you frame it, you know we're going to watch it, right?

Halfway through and I'm trying to make up my mind.

The "below" comment was a shameless provocation, I know. But one day, maybe, just maybe, all comments will be judged on the content of their character, and not the preferred chronology of their author's comment-sorting.

I mean, this isn't a Wes Anderson film.

I like the way they think.

I wasn't really a fan of the Britta/Annie storyline because I thought it had a pat non-ending, not because of the supposed insignificance of the conflict itself. To chalk it up to an argument over style is a ridiculous oversimplification. They couch it in terms of tight sweaters and hair-curling but it's a

Aerodynamics — "It's going to be a maze" or "Tell me how to get this laid back, or I'll kill your families"

Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking Emmys awarded to this motherfucking sitcom!

A lot of people say it but this time it's true. This is why we can't have nice things.


Wow, I was the high rank for Messianic Myths. I will wear this scarlet M to my tomb…PROUDLY.

The Duncan principle storyline always leaves me pretty cold. I know a lot of people think Duncan's meltdown is great, but honestly it's about the only John Oliver performance on the show that I don't find  funny. Troy's reaction to missing the Soul Train Awards, on the other hand…

My cats are coming for you next. THEN WE'LL SEE IF YOU FIND THAT INTERESTING

I know people love to rag on Prairie Home Companion, and I get why because it's very hokey; yeah, it's surprised me sometimes with some genuine laughs, but for the most part you have to be feeling very, very indulgent to get anything out of it. Hence why I've never been a regular listener. But it's not exactly a