
Hey, who says I didn't like them? At mid to low 50s territory, they were solidly in the "like" territory; there's just a lot of episodes I like better and have fewer issues with.

Now things are getting more fun. In the first few installments, my rankings were usually within a handful of spots of our overall ranking. (The only one I've been really surprised by so far, and have had the biggest difference with, is the relatively low ranking of Interpretive Dance. I mean, shit, people.)

I don't know how*, or when*, or why*, but I'm going to watch this show.

That's what you get for not doing it on an open fire, geez. Actually, wait, it's probably be a lot worse on an open fire, because then fiery nuts would explode in your eyes (ph-ph-phraaaaasing).

I liked this episode from the beginning and I like it more now. While I don't buy that Abed and Troy would have been that insensitive either, the tirade it inspires in Annie still feels true, like this is an imbalance — her trading in her seriousness and quieter nature to fit in with a louder, brasher crowd, and not

I like the Jack Black element of Journalism, and not in a way like "oh I'm so cool because I'm Jack Black" but in a way where they are kind of winking at it.

>'.'<   >'.'<

Disqus won't let me like this comment but I liked it. I don't like Disqus.

Well, it can't always be the Galapagos eradication of goats, can it.

Every time you guys mention Buster Posey, in my mind's eye I just see scratchy black and white footage of a man with dark lips clumsily and theatrically playing baseball. Because men named Buster can only be silent film stars.

Well, as long as you know it. 
MY EXPERIENCE WITH THE AVENGERS: I didn't think The Avengers was terrible or anything, but I was pretty disappointed by it. I'm not into comics but I'm not made of stone either; every man, woman, child, dog, and dead tree stump across America — nay, the world — seemed to have gone apeshit


Hey 2012, see you in hell!!!!!!!!


Mmm, an interview with Lorne Michaels…

Worry not. I'm made of sterner stuff than Jon Hamm (exclamation).

Man, that was a really cruel schedule you had there. Maybe twenty-thirteen will being you human beings to work with instead of cruel automatons.  
So I will be doing zip tonight, by design, and planning a future under my own control for a damn change. I'll drink to that!!! I'm glad to hear you are free tonight and hope

What a list. Deems Glee to be the worstest show of our times (and, ugh, I hate to say this, but obviously it's not), but cites all the wrong reasons, and then injects a new obtuse, creepy dimension to Lena Dunham's Barack Obama ad. (Voting for Barack Obama is like losing your virginity…to Barack Obama? I don't think

I was thinking about this today in the chicken shack and thinking this was the video I really should have linked to. And here you beat me to it, you forward thinker.

We call it "hot dish" in Minnesota. More like hot…dick? Amirite?