Nooo. "Christmas Shoes."
Nooo. "Christmas Shoes."
I'm Even More Inclined to Take You Seriously Because You Type Like That.
I'm Even More Inclined to Take You Seriously Because You Type Like That.
Oh my sweet Jesus, you have such horrible taste it's not even funny.
Oh my sweet Jesus, you have such horrible taste it's not even funny.
Look, I'm not saying I could do better, but….when did the Simpsons suffer horrific spinal cord injuries?
Look, I'm not saying I could do better, but….when did the Simpsons suffer horrific spinal cord injuries?
@OccamsBlazer:disqus The revamped Horsebot 3000 will return after Christmas! In the meantime I thought I would take back up with my Rat King Abed of old.
"Two and a Half Men" was the answer to this week's ScuttleButton contest, which is a puzzle where you are shown five different political buttons and have to take one word or concept from each button to find the answer, which is a famous person or expression.
I use the radio on my smartphone because I'm cool! Not the app but the radio feature itself, because I'm double-cool.
Heeeey, sick 2.5 men burn on Talk of the Nation.
Outrageous! What is this world coming to when MF doesn't garner at least 60% of the noms, leaving the dozens of lesser actors to squabble over the pittance of remaining spots? It's only right, since it was their foolish choice to not appear on MF and thus not have their work recognized or probably even considered.
@tossin was right next to the milk (not for drinking).
The librarian at my new branch told me that they wouldn't charge me more than like a dollar fifty per book at the rural branch, unlike the old fancy city branch which was trying to get rich on late fees. It might just have been a cover though. You should always operate on the assumption that a librarian is the unholy…
Well done, humblebrag!
I simply don't see how that's possible. I did have it bronzed though. Except…oh shoot, now no one can read it.
I've had an account at the regional library system since childhood. I had a big gap in usership though, living elsewhere, but I've recently gotten back into it and I just logged onto the adorably outmoded and unintuitive user interface for the first time. (I'm renewing my books instead of incurring modest fees that…
Affro, it's okay that you don't like the Simpsons.
Affro, my kitten said her first word this morning…it was hard to distinguish, but it sounded kind of like, "M…mrrr…eow…miami vice." Huh, cats!
Affro, there was were one or two classes I probably shoulda failed in college, but I scraped by because there were people even…