
Well, what do you expect when you study under George Harrison?

That's too bad. She could have learned about Garfielding, assuming to Garfield someone means to put up with them even though they're a lurching, balding talent drain that holds you back from meaningful artistic collaborations, like that music video you want to do with Chevy Chase.

That is sad. 
Here is a Ravi Shankar song I like. Some of the last few times I've been drinking with these friends of mine, we've somehow ended up singing this. Our rendition is not good. 
I kind of get all my news from you guys, now.

In honor of the Prince of Darkness, I had a scintillating evening preparing documents for the Minnesota Department of Revenue. TAKE ME NOW SATAN

And now "Second Chance" has been relegated to the theme and incidental music on Two Broke Girls.

Awww, I totally forget about that Patricia C. Wrede series. I read all those years ago. I loved them. Cherries jubilee.

This is awesome! I'm going to like all the offensive comments without fear of discovery now.


I don't get it.

I don't get it.

I just wanted to say "there, there."

What if Honey Boo Boo were on that list?

It cured Alzheimer's in The Notebook!

It cured Alzheimer's in The Notebook!

Salt 2: The Ties That Ionically Bind

Salt 2: The Ties That Ionically Bind

Yeah, it should be here.

Yeah, it should be here.

Monsters! I need you guys to be all things for all people.