
@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus If only you could have been a consultant to Kurt Sutter on this one.

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus If only you could have been a consultant to Kurt Sutter on this one.

It seems bad enough I started wondering that too. (Also don't watch the show so have no insight.)

It seems bad enough I started wondering that too. (Also don't watch the show so have no insight.)

I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now. How come the only fast food restaurant in this one-horse town had to be a Subway?

And if I seem defensive, it's because my grandfather invented the concept of 'newest first' on his deathbed and he told me to stand up for it whensoever I could and I took that to heart and I'm going to go now

@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus THAT IS AN AWFUL COMPARISON AND YOU KNOW IT

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus  You'd probably still be inventing an idiom in French, though. And yet another problem with trying to translate this phrase is that "got" here, as in other colloquialisms, behaves as a present-tense verb. I'd think the French translation would still be understood as

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus  You'd probably still be inventing an idiom in French, though. And yet another problem with trying to translate this phrase is that "got" here, as in other colloquialisms, behaves as a present-tense verb. I'd think the French translation would still be understood as

I own this book. It's on my book shelf. I read it once. Or maybe I just started to. I also have Voices of a People's History of the United States, which I did read…and which I own because I'm a Zinn completist! Actually, no, I bought Voices after Zinn appeared on The Daily Show a few years back, and then a few years


Oh this internet generation of ours

Confession time: I don't actually watch this show; I came to this review looking for something else and got sidetracked by the bad French. I have since learned there is apparently some character on this show who is into French and is not good at it. So if this was an intentionally bad, tongue-in-cheek nod to that, my

Confession time: I don't actually watch this show; I came to this review looking for something else and got sidetracked by the bad French. I have since learned there is apparently some character on this show who is into French and is not good at it. So if this was an intentionally bad, tongue-in-cheek nod to that, my

Hey, that's my grade and my probable ranking for that episode. Agreeabuddy?

Oh, now it's up. Not sure if it's more or less creepy than what I envisioned from its thumbnail.

Yeah, it's a hilariously bad translation, like they just trusted whatever Google spit back at them, a favorite tactic of lazy language students everywhere. "Cette" doesn't work as a translation for "this," because "this" in the English phrase is an object and "cette" is a demonstrative adjective ("I acquired this

Yeah, it's a hilariously bad translation, like they just trusted whatever Google spit back at them, a favorite tactic of lazy language students everywhere. "Cette" doesn't work as a translation for "this," because "this" in the English phrase is an object and "cette" is a demonstrative adjective ("I acquired this

As of right now, it is showing up as a broken image in your profile, which is very typically Disqus. It looks creepy from here, though.

@violincatherine:disqus Oh, so you don't find the thought of Santa's withered, frozen dong arousing either?