
I know the cats catch a lot of them (holy shit, there are 20+ barncats roaming around, so they should be good for something). But now that it's getting cold,  they close up the rooms outside the chicken coop to cut down on drafts. They just got a bunch of chicks the other day, too, so it's especially important to keep

I was sweeping out a mouse poop-laden chicken coop today — or rather, the room just outside one — and I'm trying not to think about all the things that are in my lungs right now. I'm hoping that the mice in there are just house mice, in which case I would be fine.

I will do my best not to! I don't think I really will.

I got confused when I heard the Political Junkie introduction on Talk of the Nation because I fleetingly thought it was Monday for some reason and Political Junkie is only on Wednesdays. But then time recalibrated itself, and I understood.
So that's what's going on in my world.

Think I'll pass.

@olivececile:disqus I think that's totally reasonable. And I hope that if that's the case, the show will treat it with some consequence and not just return to zany antics and act like Will never existed. (I would also hope that the situation plays out a little more before they would reach that conclusion of

@olivececile:disqus I think that's totally reasonable. And I hope that if that's the case, the show will treat it with some consequence and not just return to zany antics and act like Will never existed. (I would also hope that the situation plays out a little more before they would reach that conclusion of

Someday I might look back on today and say, fondly, "And that was the day I contracted hantavirus."

Is Will asking anything like that, though? All I recall is that he tells Kate she should set better boundaries, that he's not sure he can live with the "craziness," and it's not clear exactly what he means by this. He would have legitimate grievances, though: Ben is a leech on their relationship, there's an open-door

Is Will asking anything like that, though? All I recall is that he tells Kate she should set better boundaries, that he's not sure he can live with the "craziness," and it's not clear exactly what he means by this. He would have legitimate grievances, though: Ben is a leech on their relationship, there's an open-door

I liked a lot of it, but also, I didn't like a lot of it! B-

Was that a fight or did Will and Kate actually end it? Regardless, I wasn't completely sold on that plot and can't say I've enjoyed their relationship storylines as a whole. Will as a character has slowly started to grate on me from the just-so nature of his introduction — what? a good-looking single dad who also

Was that a fight or did Will and Kate actually end it? Regardless, I wasn't completely sold on that plot and can't say I've enjoyed their relationship storylines as a whole. Will as a character has slowly started to grate on me from the just-so nature of his introduction — what? a good-looking single dad who also


Oh my god! A level 5 laser lotus!


You have five cats? Oh, so I'm not the truest crazy cat lady around here. :(

How would you keep from going insane if you were holed up for the winter in a TV- and internet-free demonic hotel with blood-laden elevators and pushy bartenders and probably really bad drafts?