Huge Jacked Man

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus Pointing out the well established fact that Polanski raped a child has nothing to do with any sort of "moral high ground", it's plain fact.
As I said people still enjoy his movies despite what he did, because most people have the ability to differentiate between the art

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus You know, lots of people can enjoy Polanski's movies while still acknowledging that he drugged and raped a child, just like people can enjoy Celine's Journey to the End of the Night despite the author ratting out Jews to the Gestapo.

So you're turning the comment section into Reddit. Great.

I didn't watch the show (lost interest during season 3) but I was still laughing my ass off at the reviews on this site.

The F-grade review for the series finale is the funniest thing I've read on this website. And I haven't watched the show in years.

They should have pulled off an ending at least 6 years ago.

He did pretty well considering the caliber of writing he was working with.

I don't know why people turn their noses at the original Saw (maybe because they watched the sequels?) it was a better horror movie than Insidious.

I'm down with del Toro, giant anime robots, Idris Elba and kick ass Japanese babes but that script is so fucking stupid and embarrassing it completely ruined my enjoyment of it.

It was written as the series finale, they decided to make the Christmas specials a while later.

Yes everyone went home happy in the Breaking bad finale, excellent point.

@avclub-358658fe52d09084a2ed990b0129c6ca:disqus Agreed, true internet critics know that one cheesy one liner is enough to ruin an entire show.

Fat bald < Skinny bald < Buff bald


The word "sex" does not imply consent. Rape is defined as non-consensual sex. I can't believe this has to be pointed out but anyone with a functioning brain can see the author is against rape.

Finally, a world-weary 12-years old weighs in.

It's similar to The Wire in a lot of ways. Large cast, constructed like a book, socio-political themes and lots of swearing. It's also very good.

"After cutting to black, the episode fades back in to show that Dexter is not actually dead, but has restarted his life…as a lumberjack."

I stopped watching this garbage mid-season 4 but I've still been reading the reviews now and then. I think it was the right choice.