Buford T. Vader

This album was the soundtrack (along with Miles Davis and Boards of Canada) to my first-ever acid trip, which was spent primarily walking through the streets of Macau. It makes for a great happy trippy time.

"Everybody get out!"
"Where are we supposed to go?"

I'm not smart. I'm fucking smart.

Whoever played him in Heavenly Creatures was also pretty spot-on.

I laugh my ass off listening to the "crumb crisp coating" outtakes. I love how he completely rips the writer a new asshole before storming off the set.

You must've died a lot already then.

Limits of Control
Great soundtrack!

End of Days is a shitty Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

Wicker Man
was actually a pretty sweet movie. The ending was top notch.

That's one of the hardest things to do for sure, Rex. If I'm watching either The Prisoner or The Wire (two best TV shows ever made in my opinion), I just can't resist the urge to watch another no matter how much I know I should wait and stretch it out.

Ok, well, reading through the comments I can see that it's already been referenced. But for those of you who read TV Club comments a month late and skip to the end of the comments section, check that shit out yo.

And then Rover pops out of the water and nabs 'em both.

Great TV Club column!
Late on the comments - I read every entry but usually got to them a few days after publication so I missed the "comments rush" each week. Watching the series again right now, first time using the KTEH order (am also introducing it to my girlfriend, who is loving it and can't believe a series like

I didn't see that on the dvd release list?!?

The Wire
…is the best music magazine on the planet. Yeah, I may be an avant music hipster douche, but so be it. Onward with the adventures in modern music.

The Prisoner on Blu-ray
Will we be seeing a review of the new Prisoner set to correspond to the TV Club series wrapping up and A&E's new version airing soon?

Call Bob Barker!
I'm gonna bid $10,001 and fuck that guy's shit all up.