
One episode in, we have him killing a tiger and being foreshadowed as a rapist. I might hate this kid more than Joffrey.

Final scene of Tetris: Bill Paxton's character saying "Game over, man. Game OVER."

Just in case you aren't aware, Beesley also features prominently in S3 of Suits. But your mileage may vary when it comes to enjoying the show, which is generally the type of breezy, suspended-disbelief fare that the USA Network specializes in.

My Spider-sense is tingling.

I think you made your points clearly. Please don't apologize for contributing to the discussion!

I'll cast my vote for Elle Fanning in "Super 8."

I'm Ron Burgundy?

I thought Set resembled James McAvoy during the well escape.

Finally, a Venn diagram that works for me!

It appears that you've accidentally transcribed Dutch's pseudoscientific speech. tl;dr?

You got no fear of The Underdog
That's why you will not survive!