big al

No. They do a "sounding" to determine positioning on all women regardless of whether or not you've had a child. But the main reason is because it's thought to increase PID risk. It is also said to be more painful for nulliparous women since the cervix has to be dilated slightly for insertion.

The Mirena is still hormonal, albeit a much lower dose than most other hormonal forms of birth control. For women looking to go completely non-hormonal, the Paraguard IUD is the way to go.

My girlfriend can’t use hormonal birth control and “doesn’t like” condoms but wants sex. What would you do?
Paternal Anxiety Upsetting Sexual Escapades

I'm just gonna throw this out there…for the longest time, I thought the next line was "he goes to the reservation, drinks with Jessamine". I had it in my head that Jessamine was some old hag bartender and they sat in the dark bar on a sunny day drinking cheap whisky.

How can you hate Pistol? It's fucking hilarious. It's like a big red white-headed zit waiting to be popped. Its silly and incongruous. I was jamming through the album like "la la la, new Modest Mouse" and then all of the sudden I got this song dick slapping me in the face.

Am I the only person who likes "Pistol"? It's like Ween and Modest Mouse had a mutant baby.

In other news, I wish they would have made God is an Indian and You're an Asshole an entire song.