Tad Chad Taylor-Thomas Pinkett

A hitchhiker headed to St. Paul.
Right next door to Minneapolis.
I think I see a new horizon for Dick Whitman.

Love this flick. My parents took me to it when I was 5 during its original release (my parents took me to Alien that same year, they did not care much about Parental Guidance) and its been burned on my brain ever since. It still holds up really well and its a great time capsule (along with Invasion of the Body

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There's only one Neighbors and it starred John Belushi.

All these songs about how you are beautiful and special and a firework are all wrong. 
You are the human Ford Festiva. 
You exist, and thats probably OK. 
But you're unremarkable and you still have a cassette deck, even though its 1994.

Its a shame that its all snark in here. I really dig this album and am a fan of his overall. The grade is unfortunate, but this one is really connecting for me.

Remember that Mr Show skit where they go to get medical marijuana and the pharmacist makes them listen to his awful band's demo?  
Thats pretty much Sebadoh. 
If you went to record stores in the early 90s, there was no shortage of knobs behind the counter telling you how much Nirvana sucked and how much better stuff

I made this to express what it feels like within my specific skin. 
Also, pie daydreams.

Its true though. You have to have something to sell. And right now, at this moment the idea of selling the music itself isnt quite enough. Give us an artifact. Something we can be proud to own. CDs and computer files aint it.

Also no vinyl. 
Not to be that guy, but I buy a ton of new music on vinyl and bought the last two new Kanye records on vinyl on release.
Im not paying for a compact disc in the year 2013 and theres no real incentive to pay for mp3s.

Yeah. Fuck My Dinner with Andre too. 
Or really any movie with a bunch of pussy talking shit in it. 
Also your story makes you sound like a creep.

Me and a friend were lucky enough to see it on a drizzly April night at a drive-in in Northern California with a 12 pack. It honestly could not have been more perfect.

The only way to achieve True Camp is to try with all your heart and never wink.

I didnt enjoy listening to it, so it must be a work of genius.

Only 4 more days til millions of overly critical internet people forget they didnt actually ecstatically love every single Arrested Development episode the moment they saw it (and that—in fact— what they love about the show was actually forged over time like a smooth river stone via many repeat viewings) and react

Thats the best part. On the one hand I have friends that love the most sterile prog house calling this record "boring" without even a whiff of irony or self-awareness and on the other I have the 22-year old EDC twirps not understanding what it is they are hearing. 
Daft Punk's DNA is embedded in the entire last decade

Some of us agreed with you on first viewing opening weekend in the theater. I've spent over a decade defending Unbreakable. It's the one truly great film M Night has made, in my opinion. Sixth Sense is fine, but it's film as delivery-device for that plot twist. Unbreakable works as a film AND as a reveal and I

FUN FACT: those tee's were silkscreened by the band themselves (or that was what was reported at the time)

No Wham Rap?