some guy posting on the AVClub

Love Something Wicked This Way Comes. My favorite "kid" horror movie. Though the "scary" parts of the movie have to do with more real life fears than anything supernatural… the father's fear of growing older… the teacher losing her sight… the glutton being overcome by carnal pleasures… for an eight-year-old kid, it's

Of course, after the trilogy is complete, then comes the TV show:

Not necessarily… Horrible Baby Bosses has a nice ring to it.

Never listened to The Jerky Boys, but had a copy of the tube bar tape. If there's any justice in the world, the Jerky Boys sent those dudes and big fat check.

I imagine it would go something like this:

He did that one with Al Pacino… Righteous Kill, I think it's called.

I remember catching this on cable and being surprisingly engrossed by it. If I stumble across it on cable again, I'll watch at least a half hour of it.

"No he's not retarded."

Worst song to have sex to? "Johnny Piss Off" by the Fugs.

Also, I'm guessing Andre Braugher's character is supposed to be cold and unfunny (the straight man to Sandler's clown), so, you know, maybe that's what he's going for.

Alison is good and all, but Accidents Will Happen is the best EC song.

Oh, great. Now Andre Braugher is going to suspiciously eye all the writers in a cold and unfunny manner trying to figure out who you're talking about.

I think we have to wait and see the final product to judge whether it's a dumb or good idea.  Initially, it seems like a dumb idea that puts $$$ ahead of putting together the best final season possible.

I think that ship has sailed.

I completely forgot Fring poisoned all those cartel guys… and you're right, the loose end is who Fring was connected to in Central America.

I think this will come back into play.  The whole series has been about Walt taking on an escalating series of bad guys:  Crazy 8, Tuco, the Cousins, Gus… I think that gun in the trunk is meant for the Mexican drug cartel (Tio's boss), the biggest "bad" left out there.

so what was the deal with the arrest?  they didn't arrest Walt after Jesse's confession because they didn't have any hard evidence.

Unless Walt can come up with some Jedi-mind trick and negotiate a truce between the Nazis and the DEA, I can't see how Hank and his partner survive.

I'm not sure how rewatchable this series is.  At first, I didn't think it was rewatchable at all because it's so plot driven. I still think Sopranos and Mad Men are more rewatchable because they are more about the characters than the plot, I think. They have more self-contained stories that could be enjoyable to

So it sounds like Jesse confessed to murdering Gale on the tape?