some guy posting on the AVClub

Batman just sits there with his cowl over his head and whispers in a
kinda gruff voice at people. Bruce Wayne is the more challenging part of
the role, and Ben will be great at that.


"Another list from The A.V. Club."

Saw Blue Jasmine on Saturday.  Good movie with great performances. A solid entry in Allen's late-career renaissance.

I saw Christmas Story in the theater with my brother, sister and dad.  Think there were maybe five other people in the theater.  We laughed our ass off then left to theater to find that the first snow of the year had fallen during the movie. Cue snowball fight.  One of my better childhood memories.

Riping, not roping. They dressed him up as a big banana and bruised him.

"than, say, Jessie Spano taking caffeine pills"

Yep, Myth.

Rebel Yell was released in '83, but the Eyes Without a Face single was released in '84.

"It’s a cushy, dreamy…synth-pop song."

I'm going to go out on the limb and say Brad's "The Gate" will be superior to his daughter's own little horror movie.

Yeah, that "she did love the sea" line made me chuckle out loud.

I hope Don stays Dick and returns to SC&P.  If this season was about his personal redemption (or at least the beginnings of it), I'd like to see his professional redemption next season.

Was it just me, or did she look remarkably like a young Kristy Swanson during that phone conversation with Don?

Wiener's comment before the season—that he put stuff into it that he was planning on using in the final season—makes a lot of sense now.

Yeah, that's definitely there, but it could be read as just Pete just being Pete. Doing the right thing (or at least something charitable) but in a dickish way.

It was all previous clips because the opening of the finale reveals that they're all dead and SC&P is a purgatory where they all have to sort out their issues before passing to the other side.

Good point.

"Tell her if she did decide to come, I'll be working all weekend."

I like how the show has kept Don's pitches fresh.   It could have easily steered toward sit-commi-ness if each season ended with Don summing up its themes through an awesome pitch (a la "The Wheel").