some guy posting on the AVClub

The drowning part was real. Roger alluded to it on the flight home.

I really like this movie.  Think Siskel gave it four stars when it was released.  It is over the top ridiculous, but that's the fun of it.  Worth the price of admission for Willis's delivery of "yippee-kay-yay motherfucker" at the end.

So Downey is out? That sucks. Thought he would have been perfect for the lead.

I think this will end up being what Bob "Bunson" is all about.  I think he'll somehow be a Draperesque character and an important one in how the series resolves.

Another thing I'd add is Betty and Don's conversation about Sally and who she is "most like."  It speaks to how each person is the result of two separate people. And how those two people (their DNA and parenting) battle internally within a person.

The key to this episode, and perhaps to the series in general, is Peggy's line about the answer to the margarine campaign being someplace "in the middle" between Ted and Don's respective ideas.

What does is say about TBD&Campbell that Duck seems like the most well-adjusted character on the show right now?

I don't know NYC at all, really, so this logistically probably wouldn't have happened, but I imagined the siren going past Don and Megan at the end as Peggy and Abe.

After that limo ride, seems like Betty and Henry might enjoy dinner with Arlene and Mel.

Is it me, or does Larry David in longhaired wig and long fake beard look exactly like Kevin Costner would look in a longhaired and long fake beard?

I think when Anna Draper died, Dick Whitman may have died too (or at least of repressed even further), she being "the only person who really knew him." I think the only character who can save Don at this point is Peggy.  Earlier in "The Suitcase," you can see "Don" loosen up and be more "Dick" with Peggy (when he's

Yep. Great cover. And "San Francisco Days" is a very underrated album. Isaak's best, in my opinion. Gonna go listen to it now, in fact.

I just deleted all the saved TMZs from my DVR. I know that's not exactly what you had in mind, but I still think I'm owed, say, $500 for the act.

Grab some bench!

Yeah, it's definitely not his mom… she died during childbirth? Or shortly thereafter?

Maybe it will be paid off later in the season?  A premonition?

"Ken Cosgrove is one of the least convincing tough guys ever."

Anyone else think the bonus track "So She" is one of the best songs "on the album"?

To make up for the First Lady presenting Best Picture this year, they should tap John Boehner to host if only to see him breakdown during the In Memoriam segment. 

I have a feeling you made those versions up.