some guy posting on the AVClub

If you look at Grey Don, his shoes clearly have hard, sewn-on soles, which points to the season taking place sometime between 1600 and now.

"First his recent songs are much better than in years past(more sexually suggestive too)."

Somewhere, Kenny G throws his hands in the air and exclaims "of course, they want jazzy so they go to Prince."

Maybe? But I think it fits his "tone."  Very much along the lines of the e-mails he sends out.

For me, there are a lot of works of art like this… basically, I define it as something that "works." If, in the end, it all comes together and it hits the goal it set for itself, then any imperfections become part of the whole and make it what it is.

"Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, I've fallen and I can't get up."

Pass. If they were horizontally held iPhone shots, I might be into it.

Zahn receives lifetime "thing" status because of his role in Saving Silverman.

Zahn, baby, Zahn.

Muck Fumford!

Didn't like it, mainly because Dunham's breakdown was too out of nowhere; too "on the nose"; too speechy.  And since that's really the heart of the episode. And I didn't feel like the episode earned the ending and thus it came off as pretentious to my eyes. Though I did like the music that played over it. Anyone know

I said the same thing to my boss on Friday. Didn't go over very well.

Jurassic Parklife.

Key word being "attempt."

"we’ve already spent some time with the pair, gotten to know them. So
the purpose of the sequence isn’t to dole out necessary information."

We're still freaking out about people smoking pot?

It's been a while since anyone tried to knock off Midnight Run.

It's been a while since anyone tried to knock off Midnight Run.

Boy, Daniel Day Lewis really immersed himself into the role of "Lincoln." I hardly even recognize him.

Boy, Daniel Day Lewis really immersed himself into the role of "Lincoln." I hardly even recognize him.