some guy posting on the AVClub

Andy's e-mail/text to Erin and her reaction was the best part of the ep. It's a pretty inspired scene.

Andy's e-mail/text to Erin and her reaction was the best part of the ep. It's a pretty inspired scene.

The B- grade seems generous considering the content of the review.  But I completely agree (with the review), especially on how the episode felt rote.

The B- grade seems generous considering the content of the review.  But I completely agree (with the review), especially on how the episode felt rote.

Huh… had never visited the site, but checked it out and they seem to do just that with this piece (unless they just use the quote in the headline and not the body, which would be odd).

Huh… had never visited the site, but checked it out and they seem to do just that with this piece (unless they just use the quote in the headline and not the body, which would be odd).

I'm always amazed that musicians/actors/politicians can recall quotes more accurately than someone who most likely has the entire conversation tape recorded. 

I'm always amazed that musicians/actors/politicians can recall quotes more accurately than someone who most likely has the entire conversation tape recorded. 

“2013 is going to be the year of Fleetwood Mac.”

“2013 is going to be the year of Fleetwood Mac.”

I never put a hat on a bed because of this movie. Seriously. And I don't even do drugs.

I never put a hat on a bed because of this movie. Seriously. And I don't even do drugs.

"When you kill them, do it softly. Like Johnny Shushes used to do."

"When you kill them, do it softly. Like Johnny Shushes used to do."

I've never seen Cougar Town, but I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than a thousand suns because of this.

I've never seen Cougar Town, but I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than a thousand suns because of this.

We had to graduate from blowing out the dust on the Legend of Zelda cartridge to washing it out with water.  That didn't end well.

We had to graduate from blowing out the dust on the Legend of Zelda cartridge to washing it out with water.  That didn't end well.

