some guy posting on the AVClub

Re: "The Principle and The Pauper"… So Skinner is like a proto-Don Draper?

Re: "The Principle and The Pauper"… So Skinner is like a proto-Don Draper?

I'm put that new Wilco song on here too (the "Sunday Morning" one).

I'm put that new Wilco song on here too (the "Sunday Morning" one).

I love "Meddle" but don't much care for "Animals." Music is great but it's just so cynical. I just don't enjoy listening to it.

I love "Meddle" but don't much care for "Animals." Music is great but it's just so cynical. I just don't enjoy listening to it.

"Thick as Brick" may be in my Top Five albums of all time. Definitely Top Ten. And I'm not even a "prog fan." It's just fucking awesome. 

"Thick as Brick" may be in my Top Five albums of all time. Definitely Top Ten. And I'm not even a "prog fan." It's just fucking awesome. 

I think even McCartney hates that song*, so we should be safe.

I think even McCartney hates that song*, so we should be safe.

Would you say that about Billy Bob Thorton?

Would you say that about Billy Bob Thorton?

Event canceled?  So when it's time to party, the Mideast will remain clueless as to how to proceed?  

Event canceled?  So when it's time to party, the Mideast will remain clueless as to how to proceed?  

Is it me, or was that shot of Richard placing his arsenal of guns on a bed the second Taxi Driver homage of the season?

Is it me, or was that shot of Richard placing his arsenal of guns on a bed the second Taxi Driver homage of the season?

So, uh, I think I'd rather be magically transformed into Glen Beck's most ardent fan who also happens to have a five-alarm case of herpes and some sort of blood disease than have to sit through a pantomime production of Peter Pan starring David Hasselhoff.

So, uh, I think I'd rather be magically transformed into Glen Beck's most ardent fan who also happens to have a five-alarm case of herpes and some sort of blood disease than have to sit through a pantomime production of Peter Pan starring David Hasselhoff.

Which is essentially the "melody" of Belong.

Which is essentially the "melody" of Belong.