
I like their moxie.

Yeah, I can't believe they recommend that book to kids. I made the mistake of reading the last 30 pages or so in a public place, and so I was that 10-year-old boy just crying unconsolably at the library. The librarian had to come ask what was wrong, then called my mother to come get me.

Munn was terrific on The Newsroom. A little shaky in season 1, but by the end of season 3 she and Tom Sadoski were the best thing on the show.

O'Reilly has said that he likes Jon because, when they discuss things, it's actually possible to get him to change his mind if you present him with the right facts. It's not just two people digging in and defending entrenched positions no matter what evidence is presented.

Franco only took the part to get easy access to Japanese love pillows.

You sound like one of those law-talking guys.

You could be a little more helpful.

I got food poisoning from the Mandalay Bay buffet in Las Vegas. I spent the next 24 hours in my room just destroying the bathroom. We were scheduled to fly out the next morning. I managed to get through security, but passed out from dehydration while waiting for the plane. They had to fill me with Gatorade and put

I took two friends of mine to White Castle for the first time. They each ate two, then became violently ill about 30 minutes later.

Plus Submission Sorority sounds like an adult video series that should have about 85 sequels.

Is he a spinoff from the Deadpool series?

Faux Candace Cameron never would have satisfied the attractiveness standards for pre-tweens in the 1990s sitcom world. No teenage boy would have a sock with this girl's name on it.

I thought I saw Jon Stewart doing standup one night in Vegas, but it turned out to be Andy Dick. Honest mistake.

I was taking a music appreciation course in college when this show aired, and the professor gave us the assignment of watching an episode and then writing about the use of music. Not being sarcastic in that essay may be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

He'll tap. But it will be 10 years from now at Wrestlemania, and they'll treat it like the Streak being broken.

She's a little bit like Zoey was physically. Maybe the plan to turn around season 4 is to bring in younger, thin, brunette actresses and have Kevin Spacey spend each episode getting to know one, bed her, fight with her, and then kill her .

He looks like he's at a press conference responding to the leaked audio recording of him saying "I'm Forest MacNeil… on crack… I like boys"

And the very special episode of "Hang Time" that featured an actual hanging.

Jonathan, get my green light!

I have great affection for the early seasons, when it was more Al and Peg against the world than it was Al and Peg against each other. There was a strong undercurrent of how much these two loved each other, and it was played much more realistically than the later seasons.