
The other difference is the WM3 have been released from prison and are on record as being innocent of the crimes they were convicted of.

The other difference is the WM3 have been released from prison and are on record as being innocent of the crimes they were convicted of.

Or slip into a catatonic state of boredom from which I'll never awaken.

stoked for Robocop 2.0: Batman 8!

stoked for Robocop 2.0: Batman 8!

Remember when the CIA snuck in behind British lines and repatriated the Canadian constitution?

Remember when the CIA snuck in behind British lines and repatriated the Canadian constitution?

Yeah, Argo is bad, in this regard. Makes Canada look like the concierge to the U.S., who were only liberating their own citizens from a situation they created.

Yeah, Argo is bad, in this regard. Makes Canada look like the concierge to the U.S., who were only liberating their own citizens from a situation they created.

Just let me finish my glass of chalet sauce.

Just let me finish my glass of chalet sauce.

In another, more accurate way, Barney is the winner.

In another, more accurate way, Barney is the winner.

Yes but Melies still expresses the difference between pro-filmic space (that which is in front of a camera) and not. Ditto traditional animation, which was still captured by cameras. Bazin's idea of "total cinema" isn't comprehensive or anything. But the idea that cinema shares a relationship with the world

Yes but Melies still expresses the difference between pro-filmic space (that which is in front of a camera) and not. Ditto traditional animation, which was still captured by cameras. Bazin's idea of "total cinema" isn't comprehensive or anything. But the idea that cinema shares a relationship with the world

Totally. He explains film school/theory concepts like Bazin's "total cinema" before launching into them, and does so pretty clearly. It's really more of a history book (albeit a unique one because it's about the present moment in history) than anything else.

Totally. He explains film school/theory concepts like Bazin's "total cinema" before launching into them, and does so pretty clearly. It's really more of a history book (albeit a unique one because it's about the present moment in history) than anything else.

The sun never sets on Michael Fassbender.

The sun never sets on Michael Fassbender.

In Ontario, at least, our beer purchasing is largely a corporate monopoly, meaning we get little of all those yummy microbrews I get to taste when I go to Chicago or hell, even Buffalo.