

All the interconnected plotlines of the Minutemen might be a big enough story for a movie. Though as cool as all those guys were, I always just preferred the stories of characters like Dizzy being offered the attache case and what that led to, before they were sucked into the main plot about the Trust and such.

Yeah, I'm down for this. In my opinion they don't even have to adapt any specific plotline from the comic. The premise itself is strong enough to springboard into plenty of potentially interesting stories. The self contained building-block-stories in the comics were kinda more interesting than the overarching plot

And now the Wishbone theme is in my head. Thanks.

Concision is important, especially when telling a stranger you hate the thing he likes. So I'll just throw out: Sometimes people I will like things you do not, and that's all gravy.

So I watched a lot of this when I was younger, eventually gave up on it. Couldn't keep on going with the horrible pacing, the fight scenes that lasted episodes, and the fact that a lot of the central characters were vapid anime cliches. But I'm ok with it being adapted. There's some potential in visiting this world

I thought pointing to the Boltons and Freys to argue that the season had little plot development was grasping at straws. But whatever, man, opinions are opinions. It's all good.

One thing I will maybe concede though is people's complaints that Rinoa would never fall for Squall. I'd have to replay it again though, see it with fresh eyes.

And I'll point out that in a season that had forward momentum for pretty much all of its major story-lines, complaining that the likes of the Freys didn't get a look in is pretty pedantic.

Teti's pick nearly made me cry. I've always championed Final Fantasy VIII, and the reasons people tell me they hate it are usually the reasons I love it. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

I was demonstrating how, in my opinion, the examples you used are justifiably static plot-lines alongside every other major plot-line in the show that had significant development throughout season 5.

The Boltons are in a comfortable position of power right now, they did all they needed to this season. The show doesn't have the scope of the books and has, rightly, opted to dial back on the Freys for the last two seasons. Sansa I'll maybe accept, though I've always hypothesized that she'll be the character who'll

It was a slower season, but there was an incredible amount of plot development in pretty much every story-line, give or take a misjudged Dorne.

Oh yeah, with you there, Dorne was a big disappointment. Hardhome, on the other hand…

Nice. Now if only I could start making good choices in my life that weren't pop culture related.

You joke, but I was really into it.

I've only seen the first five seasons of Dexter. Went like this:
Season 1: "Hey, that was pretty damn good!"
Season 2: "Ok, yeah, still pretty solid."
Season 3: "Um…"
Season 4: "Thanks, Lithgow! Shit was getting pretty ropy there."
Season 5: "I'm out."

I thought that was pretty funny.

Well, I disagree. Age of Ultron was muddled and dumb, but the jokes were mostly on point. The banter between the Avengers was all good. But it's all opinion. I thought Ant-Man was a breezier, more fun fun movie overall, but it probably had more flat jokes than Ultron did.

Hey, I too preferred Ant-Man and all that…But Ultron was humorless? It really, really wasn't.