
I was about 12 when I first played Final Fantasy X and I remember it was the first one that really bothered me with its characters' outfits. Or with Tetsuya Nomura's character design in general really. I remember thinking stuff like: "Lulu, you live in a tropical beach village! Why are you wearing a dress made of

If anyone doesn't know this guy just youtube "Simon Amstell never mind the buzzcocks". Any clip should be hilarious.

Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-e-chek? Did-a-chick?

I'm going to watch and no doubt enjoy both those films and not be contemptuous towards anything because fuck it.

Saw the pilot of this before a screening of The Room in London a few weeks back (which was attended by Wiseau, who is as mystifying as you'd imagine in real life), and the only positive things were the uproarious laughter from the crowd at the ridiculous music that's used to segue between screens and the fact that my

I was actually tricked by the billboard stunt. Curse that crafty lawyer!

Colin Firth: A Single Man rather than The King's Speech.

Was certain this was cancelled.

I have attempted to meet this news with cynicism and appear to have failed. All for this, bring it on!

I prefer that proposed theory that the Simpsons will end with the reveal that Fry is telling the Planet Express crew about his favorite show from his time, but since he was frozen in 2000 he's just been making up the episodes that came after, hence the drop in quality.

Because of me we now know who Jonathan Banks's childhood crush was. Because of me! Well, I'm done being productive for the year.

“We’re talking the original dog from hell.” “You mean Cerberus?”

But who'll play Kato? Wait…

I honestly had no idea this show was still going. That's insane. Does it still have the same opening song?


Have to call shenanigans on the B+. Haven't laughed so hard and so consistently while watching an episode of something in a long time.

Who was your celebrity crush when you were younger?

I was a pretty absent moviegoer in 2014; after thinking about it, almost the only movies I got off my ass to see were the goddamn Marvel ones.

My nerdy endeavors are inclusive of all Final Fantasy fans, regardless of gender, creed, or what numbered game happens to be their favorite.

I hope these nerds make a gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII, and then some other nerds online complain that it doesn't fire bullets, and then I can assert my dominance as the alpha nerd by pointing out that the gunblades in Final Fantasy VIII don't actually fire bullets, but can merely send vibrations up the blade that