
It's weird, of course Star Wars and Indiana Jones are things that I love and big parts of my childhood, but the only big Disney-now-owns-Lucas announcements that would really rock my world are potential (though unlikely) video game announcements. Like, let Disney get a hold of Monkey Island.


My stab at an Altered Beast script:

One of Heavy Rain's key flaws for me was the feeling that you're standing outside of the narrative in order to dictate the events, rather than being immersed in it, which made it incredibly un-engaging.

Hoping for some True Detective, Over the Garden Wall, Fargo, and Hannibal. Because I am a modern man who becomes angry at lists on the internet I don't agree with. Not holding out hope for the Legend of Korra or Agents of SHIELD, but it would have been nice to see them on this part of the list.

Had to laugh at how nonchalant the reveal of Lin's father was. Well played, showrunners.

"I watched Jessica die."

Who'll be playing Kikuchiyo? Wait…

I can't quite get to Sandman levels with this, where I can't see them pulling if off under any circumstances and just sort of want to project to die. There's potential here. And if it absolutely must be adapted, TV is certainly the right choice.

Out of all the Futurama quotes that slip out of me at random during day to day life, the most frequent is perhaps the gloriously simple "With gusto".

Despair doesn't gaze 'down' on you, she gazes back at you from a mirror. Gawd!

Wow, who thinks that? "Marge Be Not Proud" is absolutely fantastic.

Yes. Troy Baker truly completed his metamorphosis into the new Nolan North with his one-two combo of Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite and Joel from The Last of Us. I didn't realize the same guy played both of them til months afterwards.

The Uncharted series, in tone and spirit, is basically videogame's most prominent equivalent of an Indiana Jones type adventure-serial. Turning it into a movie is utterly redundant.

Hey! I had a Playstation and a N64, and I turned out alright! Oh God, maybe I didn't…I should've just picked one!!

I mostly remember Mickey Rourke's pronunciation of 'bird', and Sam Rockwell being great.

Waiting for the scene where he gives his son a pet bird for Christmas.

I still stress out on replays trying to remember the exact steps I have to take to assure I have that sword before the goddamn moon comes down.

This new one pretty much looks like it's bracing for impact. It's unsettling, but it looks like it's having a shitty time.

Star Wars: Midichlorians All Up In Your Grill.