If it really is that waitress role she's referring to, the "unknown" would be Ashley Johnson, who played Ellie in The Last of Us, a performance that alone makes her more notable than this vapid has-been.
If it really is that waitress role she's referring to, the "unknown" would be Ashley Johnson, who played Ellie in The Last of Us, a performance that alone makes her more notable than this vapid has-been.
And the Telltale game trumps them both.
My preteen self found the Apu deleted scene uproariously funny without any awareness of its context as a parody of dopey Bollywood movies. I just remember finding it hysterical for no reason. As much as this show rewards you for growing older and rewatching it under a more mature scope, it was always just so damn…
Watched this with a few friends years ago. Many laughs were had. One of the only movies made better by its English dub.
I lobbied against this site's flippant use of spoilery thumbnails before, on a Hannibal review I believe. I was mocked. Mocked!
Gotta be Cowboy Bebop.
If she had opened her actual eyes at the end there I probably would've died.
Rothfuss…that's The Name of the Wind, yeah? Attempted to get into it twice but couldn't break the 100 page mark. I have a feeling it's a good book, but the beginning is slooooow.
Yes. Good to see they're approaching this franchise with the gravity it needs. Stay after the credits for the reveal of Krang and promises of an even darker, higher-staked sequel.
I've experienced writer's block with my shoddy attempts at novels, and those had, like, one main character and only a handful of locations. I can imagine George going slowly insane trying to keep his narrative on track with so many faucets. Though Joe Abercrombie had a similar situation going on and he busted out…
His eyes are so sad these days…
Kevin Sorbo wants a word with you…
I love that show more than several of my vital organs. It's an outstanding adaptation, an absolute gift. But, yeah…those books, man.
I've spent so much of the last while focusing on how slow Martin's output is, and his delusions on the show not overtaking him that I kinda forgot how completely enraptured I get when reading some A Song of Ice and Fire for the first time. That chapter was brilliant. Easily the best of the sample chapters he's…
Yes! We did it, everyone!
Man…I spent years of my young life developing intricate knowledge of even the most minute details of the main numbered MGS games' utterly ridiculous ongoing plot, only to now discover that plot details of the bloody PSP games are important. Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!
Zuko…you must reclaim your honor.
The comic ending>the movie ending>Gilliam's ending.
She sounds kinda horrible! I know in real life I'd be totally drawn to her because I'd be all "Zelda! Like the game! Fate." and then be super disappointed when she won't watch Iron Giant with me…