Juwanna Manwich

I love Pete too, which probably helps in my enjoyment of his episode. I totally understand how he could come off as annoying but I can't get enough of him. Tamblyn's ep definitely deserves to be the in The Best though. You don't HAVE to have a character to make it a good episode. She was really game to riff with Todd

June Diane Raphael's ep of You Made It Weird is one of the best in the shows run. This seems like EXACTLY the kind of show that Pete is going for. It shows someone being completely open and honest about serious stuff in their lives while still finding the humor in it. June's brief silence while she cried was so human,

Agreed. The tour shows have been solid all around. PFT is on fire as always. I caught the show in Seattle when it came around and he killed it as Richard Harrow despite my unfamiliarity with the character. (Do any of us really know or care what Lord ALW is like in real life?)

I will go to the mat for the Tom Leykis episode of CBB. That was one of the best hours of the year, easily. HOW DARE YOU DISMISS THE POWER OF ADOMIAN!!!!

This Thrilling Adventure Hour was one my favorites. PFT killed it as the obviously Jupetarian shape-shifter, and it was a much needed break from the convoluted story line they've been chasing lately. I really hope they continue this for another episode or two.

Sweet Merciful Crap that was beautiful. I've never heard of this guy and definitely not that song, but that was an incredible performance. I'm almost wistful for a state I have mixed feelings for. 
This is beating every song in AV Club Undercover thus far.

Yes, please stop trying to be funny, AV club. Humor has no place here. And so help me if you make my day slightly better in any way (for free, no less), I will end you!

I stupidly thought this was about the Edward Norton movie and was very confused. It's all cleared up now. Go back about your business.

"The name's Parker. And I can't lose."

Agreed, the DAP is a solid show, and that episode in particular is one of my favorites in all of podcastdom. We need more Marc Evan Jackson on the podcast circuit.

Agreed, the DAP is a solid show, and that episode in particular is one of my favorites in all of podcastdom. We need more Marc Evan Jackson on the podcast circuit.

May I suggest trying out some euro-style board games? They're nerdy as hell and surprisingly fun. Eurogames are typically defined by being less antagonistic than American board games like Risk, and are generally based on gathering resources to further develop your game play. Settlers of Catan is the most well known