
I stopped reading once I realized that someone still using a Tim Tebow reference as a joke was lecturing me on what is cool/hip.

Because clearly writing for a character who is supposed to be high=hating women. Also she did not "literally" use the word hizzouse. But that is neither here nor there. None of this equates to Sorkin hating women.

If you didn't like this episode, you should probably just stop watching. This is in all likelihood going to be the high water mark for some time; and if this episode didn't reel you in, it's time to walk away. Life is too short to hate-watch programs and then complain about them on a message board dedicated to that

Best two characters of the evening were played Jane Fonda and Marcia Gay Harden. Clearly only a misogynist would write dialogue like that.

I think people, especially those who write reviews of movies & television on the internet want to hate Sorkin because he does not see internet journalism as "legitimate" and they obviously take that personally so they in turn adopt an attitude of "if you can't join em, fuck em" and try and tear him down whenever

I'm not following your logic. The story only existed due to the editing of the interview. Both Mac & Charlie were hesitant to move ahead, they weren't pushing for it. The rest of the story doesn't happen without that "contrived" story. In the history of news scandals, it is never the executives who were really

Nothing wrong with some farmers market mac & cheese.

Not a reporter, a producer. If he was a reporter he wouldn't have been able to submit the edited version of the original.