
This is going to be a great season of Celebrity Rehab.
Wait, this is a Machete sequel?

This is going to be a great season of Celebrity Rehab.
Wait, this is a Machete sequel?

It seems like the writers have actually found something for Betty White to do this time though, judging from the previews… not just the 'crazy grandma' stuff that was old by the end of 1999's Lake Placid.

I was born post-Ghostbusters, so I actually caught the second one on cable before I saw the first one, and I'm not the only one who gets a little soiled downstairs at the thought of that tunnel scene. WIIINSTOOOONNNNN!!!

They really need to force them to make this movie so we can accuse them of retreading into familiar waters just for a paycheck.

Maybe an ignorant observation…
…but I was born in the mid-80s, so my recollection of this show is mostly foggy background noise, but after reading this and watching the clips, I must say I have a newfound interest in watching this series. I've heard all the stories of how the first seasons were shaky compared to the

Kristen Wiig is funny, but she isn't THAT funny, and very few comedians would be able to pull off sustained freshness after being stretched so thin for so long. I really do think she's talented, but after SNL she's not going to have much of a career. She's got nothing left up her sleeve.

Actually, it really did get pretty good reviews for the type of movie it was… and I have to agree, Lorne Michaels seems like the kind of dick who would fire the one person he was willing to take a cinematic risk on. My theory? Even MacGruber couldn't defuse Jorma Taccone.

30 Rock's
Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) makes the show almost unbearable to watch. The only time she's had a good line in the past 2 seasons was when she called for there to be an Emmy for "acting theatrically in normal life". Krakowski is a fine actress, but her character is nails-on-a-chalkboard obnoxious, and

The Palins won't stop appearing on every nationally televised show until they've convinced everyone they aren't celebrities.

I guess it's a good thing…
that this was the first episode where I felt legitimately uncomfortable, and wasn't fully enjoying myself during the second act. Because then I actually got to think about everything he was saying, and how encompassing his point was. How the hell is this on basic cable? I've really never

This might be extremely obvious, but…
This show is going to become extremely, almost unbearably sad to watch as the episodes progress. It's already tinged with such a sadness that I can't imagine what it's going to be like as it continues.

What's creepier, a Sally Draper masturbation scene, or any scene that connects the words "masturbation" to "Greg Kinnear"?

thanks, friend…
oh, Todd. If not for you, I would have to actually watch this show with expert concentration. Instead, I get to keep episodes like this to a quarter-size of my laptop screen while I find out about Speidi's sex tape details, which are somehow more disturbing to me than Sally masturbating on an occupied

as soon as that redneck chick turned out to be a shapeshifting panther, I thought about Micheal Jackson.

It's not that hard to see that Krasinski and Fischer's characters have a difficult road ahead of them if they want to stop being the obvious "jump the shark" moment, but that's no reason to write them off. As soon as Carell is gone, the Micheal Scott character will no longer "monopolize the conversation" as Oscar once