
They've basically dropped the regenerating-hymen plot, it seems. Certainly Jessica hasn't seemed to mind getting busy after her first couple of episodes. Perhaps vampire technology has developed a solution to this problem…and now my mind's even further down the gutter than usual.

Yeah, Jessica is really letting us down. Tara too. The first ep of the season almost made up for the last season of Game of Thrones, and now this shit. HBO's CEO of Tits needs to resign in disgrace.

They can read minds, though. I imagine that makes the growing-up process a lot swifter. Surely in those three days at least one frat boy passed within telepathy range.

A couple months late, but the thrust of the series was summed up for me in this exchange:

Best line: "I think I just broke the code."

I always thought it was a reference to the symbol of international socialism, which is a rose in a fist.

Yeah, genetics can be weird that way. My wife's from a Middle Eastern country. She and her sister both look pretty darn white, but her father and brothers are firmly on the "most likely to be randomly selected for screening" list. Children of the same interracial couple come out all the way up and down the spectrum.

I really should never post on the AV Club when drunk. Your religion has been the source of a lot of personal trauma to both me and my wife, so in a state of inebriation it all came out in a juvenile rant. The name-calling was completely unwarranted, and I apologize.

Wow, the papists are sneaking out of the woodwork on two-year-old reviews! SO BRAVE

Okay, so the Clark/Martha/glasses/wig thing has to be a wink to Superman, right?

Disqus is fucking with me here — this is intended to be a reply to Kyle Mayhugh's post about the difference between embassies and consulates. Let's hope he spots it. The embassy is where the ambassador lives and is (almost) always in the capital. It's not, strictly speaking, for public consumption. The consulate is

Created an account just to say there's one show I've seen that portrays a serial killer realistically (and horrifyingly) — the phenomenal and criminally unheard-of Canadian series Durham County (where do I go to suggest TV Club reviews that one?). I'll never look at a TV murderer the same way again. There are only 18