
My first exposure to Olmos was in "American Me", so I was startled to hear BSG fans who didn't know he's Hispanic.

Yeah, I'm also confused by how the cartel's been written out. Wasn't the original deal just to pass off the heavy weapons to the Chinese, and keep selling the cartel small arms? (Not to mention they should still be taking a cut from the Wahewa pressing the cartel's bullets, of which I assume they need many.) And what

I was happy to hear Jackson Browne, then got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized it was Sagal covering him. You can't ruin For A Dancer for me, show, but you gave it your best shot.

While we're on the subject of grammatical nitpicking, my mother (the type of woman who would get the local paper, correct its grammar in red pen, then mail it back to the editor's desk) always used to cringe at the mere use of "impact" as a verb, and considered the word "impactful" a horrifying pustule upon the face

This is a classic setup that never fails to make me laugh. From DS9:

Something about that guy is just in the uncanny valley. I can't put my finger on whether it's the makeup, the costuming, the dialogue, or the way he carries himself, but (especially in the Erlkönig interrogation) he seriously gives me the creeps.

much to Eli’s dismay; his face positively cracks open as he asks, “This
is the life you want?” Will answers, sounding almost human: “Pop, isn’t
it what we do?”

It ain't pot. Heroin HCl doesn't boil until it's well over 300C. A gas fire would reach and surpass that, but the stuff would be cooking off so slowly that anyone close enough to get a buzz would be choking on the gasoline smoke first (or more likely, have a severely burned face). Dragon-chasers usually use foil and a

Remus had better not stop.

Sure, she could have four names, but it's a hell of a lot better to start with the truth and embellish to taste than to have to make up things out of whole cloth on the spot. "We lost so much money not investing, and Emily died of polio." Hell, she's Irish Catholic; why stop at four? In those days, nine would've been

Maybe I'm just too used to shows like The Wire and Durham County, where they sneak in major plot points via throwaway lines of dialogue. It still seems like an odd lie to tell; having three kids at home wouldn't be that much less sympathetic than four, right? And seeing as the best lies are those that contain

Okay, someone stop me if I'm being an idiot here, but: Margaret mentioned having four little ones at home. She aborted Owen's spawn last season, right? (Though we only saw her request the abortion, not have it done.) Is this just a generic part of her script at the boiler room? Are we to understand she ended up

I still wear my Kerry/Edwards t-shirt from time to time, even though both those guys not only lost but have been thoroughly discredited in my book. I once told someone it was ironic, but the truth is even sadder: it still fits.

I think they said it was a meeting of all the "northwest" charters, which San Bernardino wouldn't be part of (though why that includes Jury's Reno-area charter can presumably be put down to the same biker geography that makes Tacoma a quick jaunt up the road from Stockton).

We actually met him way back in Season 1's "Patch Over", a year before he'd pop up on Breaking Bad. He's been mentioned a bunch of times in dialogue since then, but I think this is his first return to the screen.

Your comment set me to thinking of male characters I'd describe in the same terms, and one quickly came to mind: Father Phil on The Sopranos, a classic hypocritical moralizer who takes money from mafiosi, attends their barbecues, pushes sexual boundaries with his parishoners in manipulative ways, and is still ready to

I think this one got caught up in moderation because I failed to censor a certain racial slur, so I'll try it again:

All of a sudden I find myself interested in this show.

For god's sake. Did anyone not see what was coming the minute the Irish asked Jax to have all the Sons in one place at a specific time they insisted on? The way Jax said "we'll make sure it's a full table", I briefly thought he was on to their plot and using it to set a trap, but no, apparently not a single patch has

If only I could give you more than one "like".