
I love Doctor Who but Steely Dan is a definitive deal-breaker.

Hung upside down by your ankles and boiled slowly in your own blood while rabid badgers nip at your feet.

He was the only good thing about Titanic, hair piece and all. I don't see how they can not have Zane in the sequel. It's not like he has scheduling conflicts.

More interesting is who would be at the Mr. Mxyzptlk casting call: Lemoncello-addled Danny Devito? Hobbit-Cam Neil Patrick Harris? My dream casting is Don Rickles but he'd have to be V/O and CGI (definitely NOT motion capture).

You have to watch The Butterfly Effect with the director(s) commentary. It's even funnier than the normal soundtrack because the directors are taking the script 100% seriously.

Dancer in the Dark: Hittin' the Rails
PED Baseball '03
Madden Buffet Line '08
Grand Theft Auto Palm Springs: Get Off My Lawn
Command in Concord: New Hampshire State Senate Stories
Fawlty Tower Defense
French Horn Hero
Gran'pa Turismo: Buick LeSabre Patch

I'm seriously wondering what it's going to take to make J.D. a gigantic star. If you haven't seen is work as Homeless James Bond you should check it out.

What was that about Pat White's 69 rating?

There was a time when I had so many designers hanging out at my house, I had to impose a ban on font conversations.

Here's a few that I didn't see mentioned
garfield minus garfield
overheard in ny
STFU, Parents
The Feedbag

I don't know, I don't see him so much as carrying movies but the spin-off idea of his character from Harold & Kumar is intriguing. I suppose he could lead comedies if they were very well written, as he certainly possesses the comedic timing as well as the presence. I see him more as having his own talk show, sort of

Someone once said that if you take any any movie with Shea Lebuff and replace him with Jonathon Gordon Levitt, that movie's quality increases 50%. It's definitely a testament to Gordon Levitt that he was able to pull off this role. Also, this was a pretty ballsy debut in general. Definitely one of my favorite recent

I think it's interesting that you can divide people who have grown to hate the Simpsons and those who still like it into two easily definable groups.

How can 2 things be mutually symbiotic?

If we're going to talk about Nathan Rabin's all-time greatest piece of writing, I have to mention his review of the Jim Carrey live-action version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I point it out to anyone who will listen as the funniest, most panning negative review of a movie I've ever seen. I still go back and

It was a lot scarier than Nightmare and Spirited Away in my opinion, especially the Belle Dame. I'm pretty sure it would have given me nightmares if I'd seen it younger than 8 or so, but I would have just had nightmares about something else anyway, so it probably doesn't matter. I'd hate to withhold the movie from

I'm going to go stretch myself think. See you guys later.

Man, I thought this movie would be fun but it was absolutely fantastic. I too was blown away. It's pretty much an instant classic. It was trippy, dark, well-cast, had a good story, and man did it have a lot of style.

Can't wait for your review of salmon, yeesh.

I lover her so much
She was by far the best part of Action and she's always made me smile. Also, this interview rocked. I loved the insider info on Goodfella's.