
What if they both died WHILE banging?

*Hesitant laughter by Dusty and me, as we still don't really understand this joke, but don't want anyone else to know that*

"Oh GREAT! Real bullets! You're in a lot of trouble, mister!"

To this day, I don't think there is a tv show, movie, band, or any other kind of art that had a greater impact on the development of me as a person than Spongebob Squarepants. I was 6 years old when it first came out, and I remember immediately knowing it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. It completely changed

I realize it's a cover of a poem or whatever, but how the fuck did you not include Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue"? I mean just before Sue's father abandoned him he made sure to give him a name that would guarantee ass beatings for life. That feels like a pretty shitty father to me.

Boba Fetts are particularly good FINDERS.
Plus, he spotted them but then had to call in an actual bad guy (Vader) to make sure the job got done. So, yeah, still lame.

I like Wedge. He may not look or act particularly cool, but he actually gets shit done. He's like the anti-Boba Fett.

Now if you are going to copy Nostalgia Critic's thoughts pretty much verbatim, you should at least have the decency to reference him.
Unless… Are you Nostalgia Critic?!