
Buuuuuuuuut Pete and Thomas had a giant falling out back in the day that they talk about on Thomas' episode of YMIW, but they seem to have turned into a semi-friendly truce as they've both gotten more successful. Considering TJ is (or at least, was) one of Pete's best friends, it would interesting to know if TJ and

"I'm not getting married until gay people can get married, because I'm gay."

It was amazing. Almost every comedian I admire I would hear talking about the "golden era" Simpsons and how it was the funniest stretch of television ever (or up there with the best). I knew it would be funny, but I was also nervous that maybe it would not quite click with me because of context or age or a variety of

It was sort of a mixture of a drop in quality and generally being simpsoned out. 70% simpsoned out vs 30% quality. It was pretty apparent that the show was not quite as good pretty early into season 10, but it was still funny enough that I kept watching. Then around the middle of season 13 it dropped again, but was

I didn't realize how often I was missing references. It's like not realizing you couldn't see, and then one day waking up with sight!

The Clickhole quiz almost got me in trouble at work because I was laughing so hard. It's true. Scooter is the f*cking worst and I cannot understand why they insist on making him (arguably) the third biggest character in this show.

I finally watched the golden-era Simpsons (by my estimation mid-season 2 - season 9). I'm in my early 20's, so I missed the Simpsons at the height of its powers. FX Now now gives me access to all 27 seasons, so I watched the first 15 seasons over the summer. I was a bit worried the show would be a letdown, but I'm

I realize this show is supposed to be a comedy-horror hybrid, but has there been a single moment in the entire run that has scared anyone? Or even surprised you slightly?

I live in Bushwick (a neighborhood in Brookyln), and I can say that for the vast majority of the time, men are 100% this safe when they walk home at night. Even if they are alone. I've only been worried once or twice, and that's because I see a situation that specifically looks suspicious or potentially dangerous.

What can I say? I love those Southern Motherfucking Democratic Republicans

"Washington On Your Side" is my current favorite, but it's changed so many times. I love the Jefferson character, and Daveed Diggs does an incredible job.

Gallagher smashes shit!

They're initially clones of Jango Fett, but once the Galactic Empire is formed stormtroopers also essentially just become any enlisted soldiers.

I'm not sure why, but Phil saying "I did the crime, now I've got to do that time" got funnier every time he said it.

Another great, albeit smaller joke is that Nathan seems to believe everything comes down to confidence. Any time he does something he perceives as good he will note how his confidence played a part. Any time someone lets him down he insists their lack of confidence was the issue. Kills me.

As I've told you before, you often have good ideas, but fail in execution. However, in this case, I find that both the idea and execution are utterly lackluster and uninspiring. I know what you are capable of, and I expect better from you.

Nathan, Anthony, and Scott were so fucking funny together. Three totally different styles, but all three will totally commit to the joke till the bitter end. Plus as much as I love Tompkins, Lapkus, and the rest of the usual crew, it was nice to have jokes played out by people who don't break.

The contrast between the funniness of Jean Ralphio and unfunniness of Mona Lisa is remarkable.

Fuck you, internet.

If you play the Draft Kings drinking game you're likely to be dead within five minutes.