
I loved that "The Osbournes" was in on the joke. I remember a holiday episode in which everyone had their name on a personalized decoration, and Aimee's name was purposely legible-but-blurred-out.

I also read that they offered the Kathy Najimy role to Rosie O'Donnell, but she thought the subject matter was too dark.

Did anyone see when Bette Midler was on "Inside the Actors' Studio"? James Lipton introduced this movie in perhaps the final segment, and seemed to expect it to be kind of a throw-away; "In 1993, we come to a film called 'Hocus Pocus' …" and the crowd of college students surprises him with their enthusiastic applause.

I couldn't tell you which was on what album, but I was always a sucker for a Blink 182 "ballad". "Roller Coaster" and "Feeling This" still hold up, and not just because I'm an eternal adolescent.

The most memorable episodes of "Just Shoot Me!" were the ones when they were willing to throw convention away. "How the Finch Stole Christmas" and the Nina van Horn "Biography" episode (narrated by Harry Smith and done in the show's format) should be seen as modern classics.

The "Half-Baked" moment was given homage by Britney Spears in her "I Wanna Go" video (she even used the same actor!).


Bette talked about this when she was on "Inside the Actors Studio". She claimed that she couldn't get a job after "The Rose" (which is super strange as she got an Oscar nom for it). "So they hired me, who couldn't get a job, Nick Nolte, who had just been in rehab, and Richard Dreyfuss, who had just been in rehab. They

One of the biggest laughs of "Bridesmaids" is in the extras, and it's Rose Byrne improvising in the scene in the car with Kristen Wiig. Helen is finally contrite about everything and even tries to convince Annie that she didn't think they got food poisoning at the restaurant — everyone really did get the flu. She may

I'd love to know how "Bridesmaids" was cast. Wendi McLendon-Covey said that her part was written for her, but she had to audition for it anyway, and I think they had Melissa McCarthy in mind from the get-go as well. Nevertheless, hiring a classically trained theater actress (Rose Byrne) to play the villain in a comedy

We can't discuss this without mentioning that the transgendered girl whose penis Matt cut off was played by Willam Belli, who later became one of the most successful contestants on "RuPaul's Drag Race". (and I unabashedly *LOVE* him)

Neve Campbell was almost my beard in fifth grade. I wrote songs about her and put her in all my stories in English class. We were a very believable couple, until a boy in art class made kissie faces at me in seventh grade. And if anyone has seen "Scream 4", the woman hasn't aged a day.

I've never seen it, but I still have an ad for it clipped somewhere because I was in love with Neve Campbell as a lad. From what I remember reading, in the original film, Ryan Phillipe's character was bisexual and was also having an affair with Breckin Meyer, but because Phillipe was seen as a young heartthrob at the

"Batman Forever" made more money than the much darker "Batman Returns" did, which is why the studio wanted B&R to be in a similar vein, but BF still works in the ways that B&R didn't. BF had high levels of camp and neon colors, but it also had a story with dark undertones (Edward Nigma becomes The Riddler because the

I recall an interview around that time when Uma Thurman echoing those sentiments. "If you're in something that's so over-the-top, that's the only way you can play it." And that was promoting the film! Uma Thurman played Poison Ivy like a bitter drag queen, and that's the only way she could go. Silverstone is

Yes! Clooney was acceptable, but I thought Uma Thurman was the best part of that movie (also, I was 10 when I saw it so loved it, and went to Taco Bell every day because they had the most awesome merchandising tie-in of all time, even though I still never won anything).

I never got back into this show after the writers' strike. I remember that was when I was a depressed college student in New York, so all I did was watch TV, and I was ABC's bitch at the time. "Grey's Anatomy, "Private Practice", "Ugly Betty", "Desperate Housewives" and "Dirty Sexy Money" were watched religiously.

A friend of mine lived there and I had to feed her goldfish for a week. I never felt unsafe. I will share that the hallways smell strongly of Somalian food, the elevators are craaaaaazyyy slow (and she lived on the 21st floor — a few times I just took the stairs down as my workout for the day), and you cannot find a

Agreeing with Dikachu downthread that Rosie O'Donnell would have been a perfectly fine host (she didn't get the gig because she refused to move to Los Angeles). She did a game show segment on her short-lived OWN talk show that was always perfection.

I went to a boy band themed dance event last week (be jealous). "Summer Girls" got the biggest reaction out of ANYTHING played. It was all fun until we remembered that Rich Cronin died.