
Finally, I can say that I saw someone before they sold out!
In this case it's Joe "The Human Chin" Scarborough when his band "Joe!" was just playing around his hometown of Pensacola.
(All of the above is actually true.)

I'd love for the White Walkers to do it.

Could just mean that he's not a hit at the Giant parties.

Hey! At least he tried.


His dogs have eaten well between the last two episodes.

He wouldn't do that to puppies.

He's already got multiple Olivier and Tony Awards, among others. Catch him in anything he's in and you'll enjoy it.

I will watch just about anything with Max von Sydow. I wonder how much his character's past as Hand of the King and Lord Commander will inform the show characterization.


Yeah, Roose had a great voice. So did Stannis. Maybe Ramsey's jealous.

Dorne Vs. Iron Islands? In Cricket?

Man, they better not hurt Osha.
Oh, who am I kidding. They're definitely going to hurt Osha.

Actors from the UK and Ireland are good at being rented out to say ridiculous stuff. See: Any American SciFi movie (Star Wars, Chronicles of Riddick, etc. etc.).

I suspect Jon will pardon everyone and send them to other castles on the Wall. But that leaves a leadership vacuum. Jon isn't going to want to be Lord Commander anymore, and all the other officers were traitors, so …. I'm guessing … Dolorous Ed.

Yeah, but they have to do some work establishing Lord Manderly and why he would want revenge and why they think they can trust him first. Of course, with Ramsey around it won't be difficult to establish reasons for vengeance.

I feel really bad for Hodor. Even when he was whole he had his prospects shut down. I bet he would have been great if he Took the Black and got some training.

The question is how long his body could stay in a resurrect-able state. Until they got him down to the Brothers Without Banners? Until Melisandre had time to read up on spells in the Castle Black library? I fully expected them to have a couple of episodes of trying different methods.

Ramsey believes in, "Go Big or Go Home." Of course, he doesn't realize that there's also a Wildling army waiting up at the wall for his small group of commandos.

I would have loved to see them attempt The Leather Weather sketch again, believed to possibly be the worst sketch ever done on the show. But I think if somebody really game had tried it it might not of been half bad.