
I'd rather have to wait a couple of years for a new season than have a season without Dennis. As much as I love the show, I honestly can't picture it going on without him.

Maybe she can play one of Ken's mozzarellatives.

Buy another one!

You win.

Are you going to at least check in with the last episode?

Oh yeah, "Move That Dope" is great.

I really like "Benz Friends" and "Fuck Up Some Commas". Pretty much every other song from him registers as a "meh" for me.

If you consider aesthetic and consistency, then sure, he can be in the top 50 alive. Lyrically, get the fuck outta here.

Turns out MC Buffy was in heaven.

It's more of a joke about the beauty standards for women in Hollywood.

It's not very good, but that Rihanna song on here is probably going to be huge.

Yeah, outside of a couple of bangers, "Future" did nothing for me. This is solid, if nothing special.

I'm a little younger than this guy and want to clarify not everyone in my age group don't know common idioms and speak like they're stoned all the time. I mean, we're all stoned all the time, we just don't speak like it.

I really liked this episode, but I do agree Frank's Brother is one of the only bad episodes this show has ever done.

That movie has had such a turn around in reception since it's release. When it came out, people treated me like an idiot for liking it, now I feel like most people acknowledge it as one of the best comedies of the 2000's.


Ugh, Caddyshack 2. Because everyone wants a sequel where a fifth of the main cast of the original shows up, and that fifth is only there for 10 minutes.

The scene where Ron meets Greg Kinnear for the first time, and Kinnear politely corrects Ferrell on something, and Ferrell lets out a quiet, seething "fuck you" is one of the funniest things ever to me for some reason.

Anchorman 2 rocks.
Zoolander 2 is terrible.

The other T2 is the perfect case of a late sequel, though.