
Alien Jesus, I wish I was as cool as you. With your leather jacket, and ability to start a jukebox by hitting it, and other such cool things today's youngsters get up to.

Boring $20 anyway.

…this is Miriam, isn't it?

Can you believe it?

It's really not even something people should have to clarify.

That's fair. I'm letting my love of Manchester By the Sea really get in the way of my morals here.

"Sure, he committed an evil act and should definitely be in jail. On the other hand, Chinatown."

Yeah, Bill Murray really should have won for Lost In Translation over Penn.

"Casey Affleck Was Accused Of Sexual Assault. You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next."

A low blow? I got one of those from Zelda Rubinstein!

So, I know this kind of makes me shitty (I'm not proud of this at least) but I still wouldn't mind if he won. The Oscars aren't about who the best person is (and yes, I agree that Casey Affleck seems a profoundly shitty human being). It's about, at least at face value, who had the best performance, which, I gotta


I think the sketch still saw him as pretty pathetic. I agree the writing was somewhat lazy, but I'm not quite as offended as Dennis.

I don't mind them. At least they're better than most YouTubers. (Shrugs)

Sherlock's M.O. after a while became setting up cliffhangers only to immediately drop them in the first scene of the next episode.

Because dummies like me don't check the previous reviews and want others to do the work for them. (In my defense, it's not like this comment section was particularly active when I left my comment.)

I know this is a pretty lame question to be asking in it's fifth season, but is this show actually good, or just CBS procedural good? I'm in a bit of a Sherlock mood and since it's BBC companion presumably just closed it doors for good, I'm wondering if this is worth devoting the time to.

I feel like they should have known better than to try this again. The episode where Bart becomes a rapper is one of the worst ones they've done, IMO.

I haven't seen this one yet, but Marge's voice has been concerning me all season.

And a lot less funny in 1994-95.