
"Joy" and "The Tragedy" are pretty good tracks.

"Oui" is a great song.

I listened to that episode, and I remember some white lady asking "how do you even write a rap?", which seemed very NPR to me.

No matter what your opinion on it may be, I feel comparing it to Make Believe isn't very fair. At least Chance seemed to be invested in Coloring Book.

95% of inductees were pieces of shit. We're just going to stop the ones that rapped from getting in?

I think it would take the average human being a very long time to be sick of sex with either of these two.

Well, this is something to avoid the YouTube comments on even more than normal.

It wasn't great, but it had much more going for it than anything on this list.

Rick & Morty and Review, as well.

Gonna disagree on that one. Weird thing is, I remember this season getting really good reviews at the time. Then, the think-pieces cameā€¦

I'm in the minority who found "Fish Out of Water" to be one of Bojack's weaker outings.

Either way, I think everyone can agree season 2 of ACS is probably going to be a let-down.

Great year for TV. Bad year for most everything else, but great year for TV.

Both were masterful.

So this means Orange Is the New Black & Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt aren't on the best of list? Well, I am irked.

This is slightly unrelated, but when given a chance to talk to the Trump camp today, CNN only asked about Trump's meeting with Kanye. Fucking pathetic.

Released 3 great albums. Has always seemed a bit of a dick, though.

That's what made the fourth so good for me, though. It was such a huge step up from three that I thought they wouldn't make.

It's a fun watch. Nothing great, but very enjoyable. It's ranking on this list is probably just right.

I feel like OITNB's fantastic fourth season has been forgotten recentley, and I'm not sure why.