
It'll win most, I assume. Affleck and Portman have actor/actress locked, though.

I enjoyed Deadpool, but it scoring a nomination over The Nice Guys & The Lobster is crazy.

I'm not usually one who gets mad at lists, but I gotta say that main article made me glad I don't ever come to A.V. Club for music coverage/reviews.

My tastes did skew "cool" (Lemonade, Coloring Book, Pablo) and I still think that Weezer album is fantastic.

I had already pretty much expected that. I love this site, but it's so white I'm surprised it's not pro-Trump.

I remember the episode of Who Charted where PFT could not believe that was a real band name.

On the topic of "great singles from not-so-great albums" I'd throw in Weeknd's "Starboy", D.R.A.M's "Cash Machine" & "Broccoli" & Travis Scott's "Pick Up the Phone".

I didn't prepare a songs list, but I'll say "Nobody Speak" & "Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales" would be on mine. I'd also add "Summer Friends", "Formation", "Really Doe", "FDT" and "29 #Strafford APTS" as my most listened to songs all year. The rest of my list would just be vey obvious, with maybe the exception of Mac

1. Frank Ocean - Blonde
2. Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
3. Beyonce - Lemonade
4. Bon Iver - 22, A Million
5. Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
6. David Bowie - Blackstar
7. Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
8. A Tribe Called Quest- We Got It From Here
9. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
10. Kanye West - The Life Of Pablo

There was a dance thing?

Ah, the Principal Skinner school of approaching what you don't like. "No, it's the children that are wrong."

I'd rather have Cranston somewhere that wouldn't waste his talents.

I would argue The Weeknd, Gaga, Bruno & Solange were all solid musical guests besides ATCQ. Also we get Chance next week, so that'll be good.

Look at Mr. Fancy Pants "I can hold my puke in during a car ride" over here!

I think he's very funny but he can be idiot. I remember him proudly tweeting something once like "someone like Amy Schumer would never label herself a feminist blah blah" and her just replying something along the lines of "oh honey…shut up." Another time I remember him wishing for the violent deaths of Kanye & Kim.

Another lobster?

Most of them haven't even heard of this Beyonce, even though she's apparently as popular with the kids as that Pat Boone.

Sriracha in a bag would be the most practical, but if it Frank's, I think I'd fall in love with her.

Weirdly, for a such a dark amd cynical show, Sunny really acts as comfort for me. And Lord knows, come January I'm going to desperately need some fucking comfort food.

"Go fuck yourself you fat motherfucker" or whatever from the Christmas special and Charlie's "Go Fuck Yourself" song from "The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award" come to my mind as well.