
I mean, maybe those weren't "Rear-Window-but-with-farts" or "'Trump'-tweets-mean-shit-about-the-cast" level duds, but they certainly weren't very good, either.


"None were duds, either"

Be honest, do you still believe that? Do you still at this point want Jost gone?

How are you so topical?

"everyone else is just wondering why this space can’t be episode-by-episode TV Club Classic reviews of Jake And The Fatman."

There's no way this is good enough for weekly coverage? Is it? I guess if I liked Exorcist 2, I might like this.

Fun fact: Last week's premiere saw their best ratings for a season opener since 2008.

CB!B! at it's best is still #1 for me, though that show's too inconsistent for it to be in my top 3.

Oh yeah. I have friends who are even more depressed than I am, and they just wallow in their misery like there's no way to help them in their situation. If you can find any help, take it.

Ehhhhh, not exactly. But, that's not to say there aren't people who strive for a specific goal as a way to almost distract themselves from the fact that they're unhappy, and when they achieve that goal and realize they're still unhappy, it can worsen their depression. They can start to think they're "unfixable" or

This is my least favorite Cameron Esposito critique.

I'm sorry, did you like the episode? I can't tell without your eyebrows. (BTW, sure someone commented on this last week, but I can't believe they found a sight gag for Tandy as funny as his half-hair last season.)

Even Beyonce made a great album this year.

It took restraint but I didn't listen to any of the single's before listening to the album today. Glad I didn't, the experience of this whole thing was something else.

Or, and this is crazy, I know, but SNL's never been that great, and you're only remembering the best sketches from when you were in high school and forgetting that 95% of it has always been terrible.

Maybe he means the one with Liam Neeson? The one wasn't that great.

I mean, I really don't want to insult a man's son, but…yeah.

Me too. Also songs from mixtapes/leaks that never made it on an album. Or an "album only" track.

"You know how one of the foundations of a strong relationship is shared interests? Fuck that, I hate the shit she likes!"