
Oh, those first 3 seasons could be genuinely hilarious at times. Then the first two after they came back were pretty good, and since then it's been getting worse and worse. Even then, there's usually still at least one big laugh an episode, even now.

Looking at his IMDB, the only halfway decent thing he's ever been in is Hitch (and I only remember that being kind of OK when I saw it 10 years ago). Also I think his comedy special may have been alright? But that sounds too crazy to be true.

I'm sure two episodes of this pays more than all the episodes of Children's Hospital she did, so I think she's fine.

It's always good to preface liking a Family Guy joke with it being a very old Family Guy joke.

What's that quote from Dante, about there being a special place in hell for those who maintain neutrality during times of moral crisis? That.

Didn't know all this Casey stuff. That's because Ben wins the ultimate award: more famous.

But the great mystery is which one?

Well, at least I did something good today.

Better actor, for sure. Better husband, probably. Better friends with Matt Damon, unlikely.

He's a good actor, and if directing runs in the family, I'll be excited for this.

Especially when they know kung-fu!

That's sad, but he put his shitty music and weird performance out there, and it got the reception it's quality deserved (unless he's getting like death threats or something, which is the stupid internet ruining everyone's fun again. Though I doubt he got death threats, since he's not a woman doing a thing.)

I don't know how a mashup could be funnier than the real video.

You get to live.

Community season 2, The Wire season 4 & Hannibal season 3 are 3 of my favorite TV seasons of all time, and the Emmy's didn't even know they existed. Plus Rick & Morty and Bojack Horseman didn't even get nominated for animated series this year.

Me too. I don't mention it often, but I comment on here after 5:00, it's a safe bet to say I'm high. So, getting in to this won't be a stretch.

That's pretty much exactly how I'd put it. The "big" jokes of the show were almost always lame, but the kids acted like real teenagers, and real friends.

I remember That 70's Show pretty fondly. Outside of Freaks & Geeks, it was one of the most relatable shows for me as a teen, mainly because the kids smoked pot and drank and it was no big deal. Even the dweeby main character did and it no one cared. Which is pretty much how I remember high school: smoking pot everyday

Do I look like a cat to you, boy?

Boston, you quee-ah!