
Ten Narcos reviews and no Great Job, Internet!, please.

Exactly. Neither's a bad singer (especially Corden), but they're comedians, not singers. Stay in your lane.

You said you can't answer the question but I'll ask anyway: why didn't you guys cover Narcos season one? (Not that it was particularly great, but it was definitely really popular.)

One of those jokes you look up and can't believe it's true. And on the turtle scene no less!

I remember watching this in a high school film class. All the kids hated it with a passion, to the point where I had to pretend I hated it too out of fear of isolation. I remember it actually being alright though, and this scene in particular as being pretty good.

As much as I love PFT, Lauren Lapkus, Fourvel and other various CBB regulars, I don't think anyone even comes close to touching those two when they're really on as those characters (particularly Mulaney, who drops gem after gem when he's at his best).

That would have been my pick. I'll have to go with my second choice, Lili von Shtupp.

See, here's where we disagree.

"Huh. I like both Tupac and 'Fast Car' quite a bit. I've even liked some recent Bieber songs. Maybe I'll check this-oh, dear."

I think I'd apply more to some reason comedy specials/dvds I saw, most specifically Patton Oswalt & David Cross's most recent specials and most of the Cameron Esposito/Rhea Butcher stuff I've seen (though really much more Butcher than Esposito, who I do think is pretty funny.)

I never watched season 6. I guess this will give me the impetus to do so.

At least none of these artists are contemporary.

And then thought, "hey! Now there's an album title!"

I thought it was more he didn't like they made Joe Pesci a larger character, but the ones he actually disliked were 3 & 4. Though that may just be my interpretation because I love 2 and hate 3 & 4.

Considering this girl was in a Shane Black film, it was only a matter of time before we got a Lethal Weapon reference (Granted, that's from Lethal Weapon 2, which Black on has a story credit on).

Yeah, the A.V. Club isn't really into that hippity-hoppity stuff (unless it's Kanye, Kendrick or RTJ).

Well, this all makes sense, considering MacFarlane's one of those guys who thinks hip-hop "isn't music."

Maybe get new friends?

Some of those things don't deserved to be lumped in with some of those things. (Sincerely, someone who genuinely loves almost all of those things.)

Hey John loves Ringo! Though he's a little annoyed Ringo won't return his guitar, it's got this great whammy bar.