
Oh shit, did I come across as pro-Trump there? I assure you I 1000% am NOT.

Sorry. A man just died. Also xenophobia has just beaten out common sense, and I worry about November even mo-goddammit, sorry, I'm doing it again.

I don't want to hijack the comments here for a post about a man's death, but Jesus Christ, Britain.

The absolute worst, though as a Jets fan I kinda-maybe-sorta am super biased.

So McConaughey won the Oscar and qyickly stopped doing anything good?

Exactly. Although, Andrew Garfield was even less convincing as a high schooler in Amazing Spider-Man.

No, this guy makes 6 second long videos. So, the type of guy who when given an opportunity to make interesting long-form content, decides to film himself, his bros and his crazy parents doing some crazy stuff!

Is it spoil-ery to say I thought the season really took off starting with this episode? (I know we live in such a spoiler-phobic environment that even saying that can make me a piece of shit.)

Fuck off, Internet.

Also The Lonely Island's demo skews younger, and the movie is rated R. And the promotion was there, but it wasn't huge. I think Universal were just hoping "I'm So Humble" or "Finest Girl" would go viral and do the promotion for them.

No, but that's only because I don't have anger issues set off by a photo of a guy I don't like.

A.K.A. The Death Of Culture

Oh yeah that one's not very good either.

I met Rivers Cuomo once, and told him how much I loved Blue and Pinkerton, and it wasn't until later I realized not only did I make a fool of myself, I probably was annoying in not even mentioning anything he had done in the following 15 years.

And the only sketch I remember as even being notably terrible was the queen one.

I re-watched it quite recently, and while not every sketch was a winner, I definitely don't remember it be incredible uneven.

I loved it. It wasn't Mr. Show, for sure, but I think in general people can be a little harsh on follow ups to something they love. It's why the pretty darn funny Anchorman 2 is treated by many like an Adam Sandler movie.

Though Monty Python was way more inconsistent than Mr. Show ever was.

Samberg was great, especially when yelling at the creeky gate not to stop. Also this exchange: "You son of one bitch!" "Hey, that's my mom!"

That's what I was wondering. Like all the really smart tech people pick up on how to use the site right away, but someone more in touch with common people like Monica can see how overwhelming the site's layout can be.